My bad. Fixed it. Just as useless. I’m much better than you at “this” if by “this” you mean truth and logic.
No, you're pretty bad at it. You just declare things true, then browbeat anyone who disagrees with you. Like when you said nothing Trump did on or before Jan 6 comes close to rising to criminality as if it were fact. That's not truth, it's just ignorance.
do you want to lay a wager? I’ll bet you $100 to the opposing side’s favorite charity I am right. Trump will not be convicted of anything dealing with inciting Jan 6. you claim I browbeat you? Do you think I should just roll over and agree with some of the lunacy on here. I just post opinions, and when requested post the basis of the opinion. Facts are hard for people who think men can get pregnant….I get it. But sometimes you get push back from people who don’t care about your feelings. It’s called “Too Hot” for a reason.
What is it with right-wingers and message board bets? Just idiotic. I have no idea if he'll be convicted or not, and that wasn't your claim. Your claim was that nothing he did rose anywhere close to criminality. Moving those goalposts. And up thread you said 'OJ was found not guilty of murder. Was he innocent?'. I ask that same question to you now. But clearly you know that lack of conviction does not mean a lack of criminality.
Is America even worth fighting for anymore ? Taylor Swift fans generated a seismic event equivalent to a 2.3 magnitude earthquake in Seattle. Taylor Swift fans cause an earthquake in Seattle concert | National Post
If it's not worth it now, when was it ever? The Taylor Swift phenomenon is interesting. I think I've underrated her star power. Multiple people have told me about their daughters wanting to fly to some other country where they can get tickets. I don't think I can name one song. I'm actually curious what the musical types here think about her, but I will save that for another thread.
I like what I know of her as a person and respect her for some of the ways she’s used her platform. I don’t have any interest in her music. But I don’t really think I’m her target audience.
Allan Holdsworth died almost penniless. His family had to start a GoFundMe account to pay for a memorial service.
I think her music is pretty conventional and, to me, boring. It does nothing for me. It's just a weird phenomenon. Cult-like. She's so famous now that she's like a black hole, her gravity sucking all the adolescent girls in. Someone working on a PhD in human behavior should base their dissertation on it.
FWIW: homicides were WAY up in 2020.* *I’m not counting all the Americans that were killed in hospitals and nursing homes.
You just admitted you posted an untruth so you fixed it. You literally typed "My bad. Fixed it." Then you followed it up with a claim you are better at posting truth. Before you started insulting I simply showed you an indisputable data set saying that society is significantly less violent than the prior decades. We are not living in a powder keg. Only on the internet would someone think that.
qed Though I believe there is some truth to Americans being numb to violence, you nailed it--violence is way down from its peak. There were over 12.5m fewer reported serious (i.e. felony) violent crimes in the United States in 2021 compared to the 1994 peak (we don't have the full 2022 crime numbers yet).
OMG. I got busted. I called your irrelevant chart an irrelevant poll. My nose literally grew 15 inches at the thought of, then I realized @citygator best argument in this thread is no better than his worst argument in the thread. And when I use the word “argument”, I’m using it with great hesitation so I don’t get called out again for lying. you could have shown us data which depicts the most popular scented douches and it would have the same relevancy to this thread or, in particular, whether this country is becoming numb to violence.