I never said anything about banning. More on the social media user side. You can look at the backlash Jon Stewart got. He never stated that it was purposely released.
Simply not true. I’ve always maintained a lab leak was possible and even likely but we simply don’t know for certain. Nobody ever attacked me. The only people I saw attacked are the nut jobs who were certain and insistent that China manufactured the virus and intentionally released it upon the world.
China released a bioweapon so terrifying in its lethality that it killed octogenarians with four comorbidities.
Virus shows up in a city with a level 4 lab studying conona viruses but it's a bat, no it's racoon dogs! CONSPIRACY!!!
Look back to your original statement: “most sane people believe it was likely a natural occurrence from a market but, sure, it could have been a lab leak.” Yes, you allow for the possibility of a lab leak, but you dismiss it by prefacing it with “sure.” Why did you put the qualifier “sane” on “people?” Why don’t you just say “most people” (whether that’s true or not). You’re invoking the idea that if someone does not accept natural origin, then they probably aren’t sane.
You left out my clarifying comment: “Only right wingers however think that somehow China purposely leaked a virus on its own people to create a world wide pandemic all funded by evil Dr Fauci.”. You also left out the sentence just before that “It could have been from anywhere... I wouldnt rule out anything ” I feel that is enough context to get I don’t think crazy people think a lab leak was likely. It’s much more than that. There were literally only 3 sentences in that post and you clipped out part of one. Way to go.
Curious… is your target audience anyone but you? I admire the dedication to the bit but fear you may end up texting yourself too.
When you search citygator posted by Duggers-dad you get 4 pages and 60 posts. When you search Dugger posted by citygator you get 1 post... a crying meme. There's got to be a more interactive way to approach this site for you.
Look, you’ve already knocked on my door once today and told me to stay home. Now please leave me alone.
Anyone still thinking this wasn't a coverup is either ignorant or stupid. No middle ground. Go read Nate Silver's twitter for the proof. That's not to say it's exactly what happened, but for sure the scientists lied and Social media companies and the MSM both labeled anyone who called it a lab leak was thought of as a conspiracy theorist.
The rest of the world will only have circumstantial evidence of what China did to cause this virus and/or cover it up. Only China knows the truth, and they are unlikely to ever admit it. My suspicion is that a Wuhan researcher went to the wet market to buy something and interacted with some people after mishandling the virus and catching it, passing the virus to them. He then developed symptoms that night, and realizing that he screwed up at work, stayed home from work, so no one at the lab got sick from him. I would say that in a normal, high-capability virology lab, accidentally leaking two different strains of a virus at the same time is unlikely, but Wuhan's Level-2 Lab was not normal or highly capable. I also would tend to not trust their listings of anything once the virus became political. Once the Chinese government got involved, I'm sure all kinds of documentation was altered or destroyed.
It’s like asking whether someone pulled the pin (wet market) on the grenade or yanked it (lab leak). The grenade still went off. China went on complete ZERO COVID lockdowns for 2+ years. Yes, the same China that uses forced labor camps to keep their economy rolling, was more concerned about their own citizens than trying to re-open. If that doesn’t tell you just how worried they were about their experiment getting out and wiping them out, then you’re either stupid or ignorant. No middle ground.
Actually, the Chinese government did nothing for several weeks while Covid got out, denying that Covid was contagious. Only when Chinese people started dying in large numbers AND the government was unable to keep that information a secret did they do anything. China responded to internet hostility towards their response to Covid, and reacted in the opposite direction to lock down everything and everyone. China was afraid that the hostility would lead to protests, and the protests would be a threat to the legitimacy of their government. The Chinese government was not worried about the country "being wiped out" by Covid. They had dealt with several SARS and avian flu variants before, and didn't mind a few hundred thousand deaths. They wanted the economy to keep humming along in spite of the virus. Once the citizens became aware of the magnitude of the situation, China had to change their tune. The last thing they wanted was another Tianenmen Square incident. The lockdown started on Jan. 23, 2020, and China had been aware of Covid since late November or early December of 2019.
It arose in Wuhan. What arose in Wuhan ? Panic. Panic arose in Wuhan and spread worldwide. Panic and nothing else.