It's actually funny...if you lighten up. It's a sign that Bluke doesnt take all this as seriously as some of our more... Stick up their butt... posters do.
They are fixated on everything Trump; turn on any mainstream supposed news station and you will hear the name Trump often. It’s very weird. In other news, Biden was sniffing another adolescent girl’s hair yesterday. Biden is one sick man.
So you don't think the guy who obsessively rates every single one of my posts (and other's posts) 'dislike', 'come on man' or 'off topic' has a stick up his butt? He loves to call others Karens, but he's the biggest Karen on here.
when a porn star with first hand experience refers to a presidents penis as a YETI MUSHROOM DICK I’m going to bring that up frequently. Especially a vile crooked traitor like Trump. That should be on his Wikipedia page. When he finally dies it will be a national day of celebration. I may go on a bender.
Dude, post something legit and positive about something unlibbie and I’ll rate you accordingly. You are a big ole curmudgeon and I like that. We have come to expect it. Why you are surprised that you get pushback is weird. Love ya anyways.
I don't care either way. Go ahead and rate every single one of my posts. I'm just pointing out that it's weird and that you're the only guy on the board who does it. You're like a neighbor who complains when my grass gets an inch too high. A Karen.
I never really check who rates who, and what they rate them. (Exception being those off topics on the OP. Those crack me up.)
Granted. Hard not to see that reference and not laugh out loud. (And my post was not aimed at you btw).
Bluke thinks he's going to single handedly topple the ills of liberalism through a message board rating system.
Does it really bother you that much? I certainly don’t want to be that neighbor. I’ll dial it back my friend.
Didn't Kamala just say most Americans are a $400 emergency away from bankruptcy? Is that the part of the economy that's unstoppable?