Oh no, did my post touch a nerve? Did it make it your brain tingle? So sorry. Let the rest of know when and if you have something intelligent to say.
Maga literally foreshadowing civil war and death at the hands of angry trump followers. This thread should inform any voters on the fence just how dangerous and bad maga would be for our country. This isn’t unique. Even trump promoted a ‘truth’ regarding a civil war. Meanwhile with our current gov, headline today… “U.S. stocks were rising after a stronger-than-expected report on economic output for the second quarter put the Dow on a path for the best winning streak in decades.” U.S. stocks are rising after stronger-than-expected GDP report, Meta earnings By Investing.com
You mad bro? Made yourself a laughing stock in this thread. Totally missed it because I had you on ignore - where you’ll soon be again.
Oooh. Touched a nerve on a liberal with a truth bomb. It must be hard to see your liberal masters in the press agree with me and ignore you. Are you going to be ok? Chow.
actually, you should try some online reading comprehension courses. Because (1) you are not even close to anything I said. Civil war won’t be at the hands of Trump Followers (whatever that term is supposed to mean), it will be a clash of the far left and the far right, just as (2) a large portion of the media and academia are postulating. Try reading a bit more (not any more comic books) and get yourself caught up with current events.