I have the same opinion about primary care doctors. My last two have been female. Both have been the best I’ve ever had.
Why should I be satisfied? The mouse would not appreciate neutrality. By the way, claims about being racially color blind fly in the face of reality. It's an impossibility for one, unless one is quite literally blind...but made worse when some folks (not saying you) use color blind claims to justify not addressing problems of racism and bias. Basically, it's let's pretend the bias doesn't exist.
Call me when you “fix” the nature of humans and save us from bias. Lol. Bias in humans is as natural as the sunshine on my shoulders.
I would like to hear a military reason why Biden did not go with the Defense Secretary's pick for this position. Biden's pick for top Navy leader would be first female Joint Chiefs member.
The job of the military is to provide for the defense of the nation. That is an entirely military operation. Biden did not take the advice of his Secretary of Defense who undoubtedly picked a person based on who would be best militarily. I would just like to know his reason for not going with his very own hand picked Secretary of Defense's choice for this position. If the reason was non-military, then I would have a problem with that. And before you bring it up, I don't support what Tuberville is doing. That is not enabling the military to operate at their best.
First I’m seeing of this. It is disappointing that once again the President is publicly ignoring the counsel of his Secretary of Defense. Leaving politics aside as well as any considerations about melanin or estrogen, both of these candidates might be qualified, but one is imminently more qualified. And that is why that person had the SECDEF’s recommendation. Very important to make the correct comparison between candidates and this is the correct comparison:
I don't think you know why Austin made the recommendation he did and I'm certain you don't fully understand the position. Besides, the President is in the chain of command. It's right there in the Constitution. Even if the President is an elected Democrat, the Constitution still applies. The president can even desegregate the armed forces, as Truman did. I bet he had political reasons for that decision.
If the decisions were "political" and not "military", then I have a problem with that. I fully understand the chain of command and I know it is the President's ultimate decision.
Well then you have a problem with just about every Presidential appointment to high military positions in the history of the Republic. But then I'm sure you know that, with your deep knowledge of such history
I haven't seen it, but I would defer to you. So probably. I'm not saying that's irrelevant but neither is it dispositive. I don't know who the best choice is, but I'm fairly certain the President had his reasons.
Maybe so. But I doubt you'll hear them. At least for the next 20 years. Or whenever the Presidential Records Act releases his papers for historians. That's usually been the vehicle by which we learn such matters, and by which we learned that almost every such decision has plenty of factors working into the decision, all consistent with civilian control of the military, a hallmark of our constitutional structure.
Is it unusual for a president to nominate someone other than the Def Sec top choice? Or is there going to be a fight over this to distract from what Tuberville has been doing or to make it an anti wokeness campaign based on her gender? The article seemed to say that she is currently in the vice or #2 position so I would assume not controversial by any means.
Even if true, do you believe that every flag command appointment always goes to the person with the best resume?
Let's put aside some of the most prominent examples, such as Lincoln mandating commands to otherwise lesser qualified generals from important States that he needed to keep solidly in the Union with solid troop/financial contributions. Why is one of our 12 fleet carriers, the very heart of the projection of power in the US Navy, named after a congressman who never served? What was the Navy thinking?