to strain an already strained medical supply market. maybe they should spend less on advertising and more on production capacity? remove the tax exemption for medical advertising and maybe they will invest in their infrastructure instead. 1.4 million SF facility is now offline Tornado damage to Pfizer plant will probably create long-term shortages of some drugs hospitals need ( The fallout from a Pfizer factory being damaged by a tornado could put even more pressure on already-strained drug supplies at U.S. hospitals, experts say. Wednesday's tornado touched down near Rocky Mount, North Carolina, and ripped up the roof of a Pfizer factory that makes nearly 25% of Pfizer's sterile injectable medicines used in U.S. hospitals, according to the drugmaker.
I think there is a tax deduction for medical advertising. Meaning the expenses for advertising are treated as a normal business expense.
Pfizer obtained that plant out in the middle of no where through an acquisition. It is very likely that they would rather shutter the factory and lay off the over 2000 employees, then turn around and obtain construction and tax exemptions to build a new plant somewhere much closer to a large transportation hub and in a Republican strong hold where there are little to no environmental protections in place.
Rocky Mount, NC is not exactly in the middle of now where. It is located in Eastern North Carolina on I-95 which is a major interstate running from Miami, FL up the east coast through Washington DC , New York city and on to northern Maine. All new construction would be eligible for tax deductions, not exemptions, via the depreciation expense. They could be eligible for tax credits for new construction in some locals as well. And the last I checked federal EPA regulations are in effect in every state in the Union, so I don't know where they could move them in the US and not be subject to them.
That makes more sense that we're just talking a standard write-off. What's sad is it wouldn't have surprised me if medical lobbyists had someone gotten some crazy tax exemption passed. I'm still amazed we allow medical and legal advertising in this country.
I owe everyone an apology, I thought that the article said Mt. Airy and not Rocky Mount. That was a mistake. Rocky Mount is still in the middle of not-alot, but at least the interstate does run near it.