You’re arguing against science, but knock yourself out To your question, in general the darker the more heat absorbed. There’s a parameter called emissivity that defines heat radiation and absorption properties of different materials and colors. There’s a lot more to this than you want on a message board, but you were hotter in the black shirt in the sun whether you knew it or not
I wonder if our QBs will have any problem seeing the receivers that are blacked out, especially at night with the shadows. Maybe it will be key to disguising defensive coverage on the flip side.
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that a black T-shirt sucks in the sun….. at least you wouldn’t think so.
Coca-Cola 600. Jordan Jumpman powder blue. Myles Graham - UF. Recruited by Alabama - Robert Gillespie. "it just means more". GONE
Yes. To channel Zeus from Die Hard With a Vengeance, anyone who would come on Gator Country with a handle anyway related to Darnell Dockett either has some serious personal issues or all their dogs ain’t barking.
If the jerseys are all black... with only iridescent orange numbers (no freaking white and blue borders) than I could see how cool that could look... for one game.
Totally agree. I just think that putting our team out in the hot sun wearing all black doesn’t help them do anything except sweat their asses off. Black clothing in direct sunlight makes you hotter — unless it’s cold outside that compromises stamina and endurance. It’s a fact, not an opinion