For a party that is obsessed with groomers and pedophiles, they sure do get caught doing it way more than the party they accuse of doing it. That’s what we like to call projection.
Yeah, I guess the media doesn't have Hunter Derangement Syndrome since CNN didn't think the IRS Whistleblower's testimony was a big enough news story for their front page. We do have some documents released that show Hunter was viewed as "stupid" and used only for his father's influence. RELEASED: FBI document detailing alleged $10M Biden bribery scheme publicized by Republicans - Burisma CEO Zlochevsky called Hunter 'stupid' but necessary to keep on board because 'his dad' then-Vice President Joe Biden could 'protect' from 'problems' | Daily Mail Online
While Hunter is an irrelevant distraction, the testimony of the IRS agents was concerning. If they were truthful, it reflects badly on DOJ. A very conservative guy who joins a group I’m in to smoke a cigars yesterday told me he believed Joe interfered. I am almost certain that’s not true, but that belief, together with the whistleblower allegations, are what’s driving this Hunter obsession.
Don't put any credibility in the so called IRS whistleblowers. Marcy Wheeler has shown why in detailed posts, as always linking to or screen printing original source documents WaPo Is Suppressing Information that Might Debunk Devlin Barrett's Latest Spin - emptywheel
I don't know about their webpage but CNN has provided a great deal of coverage multiple times on the "whistleblowers" testimony throughout the last couple of days on the network's actual news shows. It's also somewhat ironic that the same Republicans who want to rescind the appropriations to hire additional IRS agents are hailing the two agents who testified as heroes and by the way it's not all that unusual for investigators to disagree with a decision by prosecutors who elect to plead out a case by allowing a defendant to plead guilty to a lesser offense.
Apparently there is a real history of drug use at that facility. Drugs at the White House: A Brief History of Alleged Activity – Rolling Stone Cocaine in the White House: a brief history From Ford to Obama, a history of drugs and the White House
I am having a hard time understanding when it's ok to believe the IRS and FBI. I thought conservatives found them untrustworthy
A follow-up regarding the FD-1023, the document that supposedly implicates Hunter Biden. From the FBI, itself. As many of you know, the FD-1023 is the form our special agents use to record raw, unverified reporting from confidential human sources (CHSs). FD-1023s merely document that information; they do not reflect the conclusions of investigators based on a fuller context or understanding. Recording this information does not validate it, establish its credibility, or weigh it against other information known or developed by the FBI in our investigations.Message from the FBI on the FD-1023 Request from Congress
Investigators are frequently at odds with prosecutors over charging decisions. I can only imagine it is way worse in the hyper partisan land. With whistle blowers, it is always how much info they are privy to. In a large compartmentalized investigation, it is very easy to be completely correct based on the pieces you have and yet completely wrong in the global picture.