oh, you certainly clarified that for the better. So what you’re saying is if 200,000 people take to the streets protesting actions of the government, they are enemies of the state, and must be killed? Got it.
OK, I will give you a little more attention since you seem to be craving it. We can go back-and-forth a few times at your level. I’ll start: “Uh-huh…..” (now you respond “nuh-uh”)
You didn't say they would be protesting, you said they'd be armed and murdering thousands of people on behalf of a politician.
I completely disagree with you. Ford was contemporaneously judged almost exclusively on that pardon. His administration was neutered the moment he inked the document. That pardon ruined his political career. Now, historically, we can look back and argue whether it was right or wrong to pardon. But contemporaneously, on the moment, that pardon destroyed Ford’s political career.
nowhere in any post did I say people would be murdering thousands of people on behalf of a politician? I think why you and most of the people on this thread don’t get this potential problem is because you frankly think too simplistically. When that first gun shot rings out in the future, it’s not gonna be somebody trying to protect Trump. It’s going to be somebody who’s angry at the system. The return shot is going to be someone retaliating, because they two are angry at the system, albeit for different reasons. Trump is nothing but an excuse for both sides to fire the gun. Again, you’re playing checkers when you should be playing chess
did I say or suggest anything about Ford’s contemporaneous image? No, I didn’t. And while the pardon may have marred Fords reputation at the time, he is universally, considered now to have done the right thing. Very few politicians, or pundits disagree with Ford’s actions.
I think, what should be obvious by now, is the complete disconnect between your view of the crimes that Trump is charged, with the view of most posters here that disagree. For example, Trump is not charged with keeping “a classified document in his bathroom.” Into be sure he is NOT CHARGED for the documents he wrongfully took AND RETURNED. He is charged with his unparalleled levels of obstruction in the government’s efforts to take back those documents - his lie built on life after lie, his concealment, his intentional efforts to hide the documents, and his unsafe storage of the documents on his efforts to play hide and seek. I really strongly suggest you read the full indictment to get a clear picture of what he is charged with. And Jan. 6th? We don’t know what he will be charged with, if anything. But my best guess is that it will nit be solely on speaking at the January 6th “March on Congress” convention. My best guess is that it will be using his office to induce elected officials to change election results, to falsify records, and engage in widespread efforts to quite literally steal an election. I think both of those are serious charges. I’m it sure how any sane American can believe that such charges are anything but serious.
That’s not true. But you’re certainly not going to change my mind by attacking me, questioning my motives, my career, or not addressing the subject matter of the OP.
There are books and entire courses and papers written to this very day that debate the issue. You may believe he did the right thing, and I wouldn’t quibble. But it is a reach to say it is universally accepted he did the right thing. In fact, many theorize it was the very wrong thing that opened the door to the brazen efforts by Trump to ignore the law and try and steal the election. And to think people, like you, believe that Trump’s crimes might lead to civil war, leads to the logical conclusion that Ford’s pardon em one of the most egregious mistakes ever made by a President.
Congrats. You started the dumbest thread we've had here in a long time. And every subsequent post of yours has just made it dumber. I'm out.
Difference between Nixon and Trump is Nixon lost the majority support of his party. Nixon was done politically after Watergate. Had he tried to run again, he would have been laughed off the stage. Ford could afford to pardon Nixon even if it meant ending his own political career, because Nixon wasn't a threat to ever hold power again. Can't say that with Trump, who is currently the leader to be the R nomination for POTUS again. Giving Trump a pardon would be acceptable if Trump agreed to never run for office ever again. But that's never going to happen. I bet Smith and the DOJ offered to either drop the charges or agree to a wrist slap in exchange for Trump not running. But Trump is Trump, and will never admit to any wrongdoing.
OK, I’ll respond to your post. I will ask you to clarify one thing. Without using the words America or United States in your response, can you please identify the person or persons who were injured in this horrific document crime committed by Trump. Name the victim, and tell me how they were injured. Don’t give me generalities like the rule of law, or all of us were injured because he did blah blah blah blah blah ….name the victim. I expect you’re not going to be able to name a victim, because there isn’t one. So now ask yourself, why is he being prosecuted. The act of taking the document itself can’t be a crime worth prosecuting, because Biden, Clinton, Bush I and II, Obama, and a whole host of others have all taken classified documents outside the White House, and have not been charged. So now we’re only left with the “obstruction” charge that you’re talking about. Is that correct? Still waiting for you to identify the victim.