you and practically every lefty of this message board miss the point. There is no law and order when people riot or smash or murder. Nobody here seems to play chess. Life is a chess match, and you guys are oblivious. The thread topic is civil war. The OP is about escalating violence. A type which could lead to the end of our democracy as we know it. Maybe (hopefully) nothing happens, but as a chess player, I see a move in that direction on the horizon. As I suspected in my original post, more people are attacking me than addressing the actual hypothetical. I find that to be rather telling and supportive of my notion that people are so divided that rational discussion appears to be a fleeting option.
You are describing the extreme fringe. Not conservatives. The fringe is so small it would be squashed back into its back wood hideout. There is no appetite for such things.
oh, because that’s never happened. The whole point of this thread is that it is NOT a good way to run the country. Unbelievable response.
You asked "If the left wants to rid the Country of Trump, isn’t it better and safer to do so at the ballot box?" We did. He was voted out! Y'all apparently didn't get the memo. You sure do spend an inordinate amount of time carrying Trump's water for a guy that supposedly never voted for him.
I clearly stated I am describing the extreme fringe. 1/2 of 1% of armed Trump supports. It only takes 1 gun shot to start the unthinkable. Every war starts with a first shot.
Anyone who’s heard the GA phone call & still supports Trump in any way, deserves to get shot in the face in a loony attempt at civil war
We're already shooting each other in pretty impressive numbers. Extrapolating from domestic violence to civil war is a tad alarmist, I think.
Then what is the point of the thread? That Donald Trump is free to break any law he so chooses, but gets a pass because he has a cult following that you think will take up arms on his behalf? It seems to me that you people have no self awareness, no ability to accept any degree of responsibility for your cult leader. What would it take for you to accept that he is not the innocent victim he screams so loudly to be (despite the hard evidence to the contrary)? The guy lost an election, then made every effort to intimidate, threaten and cajole government officials to change the election. And that doesn’t bother you? At all? I imagine, to answer the OP, if you want a Trump autocracy, then there is only one way for you to get it, and that is through a successful armed insurrection.
Build more jails if we have to. Seems like a nice silver lining to get off the street anyone who would resort to violence because their preferred wannabe dictator lost the election and couldn't accept the results. Gets us one step closer to being a civilized society again.
LOL. I do feel bad. I feel bad that a large portion of our country are so stupid that they will attack anyone for raising a question that does not fit into their political narrative. Dialogue is dead. This is regardless of political leanings. The “Orange man bad” group is particularly stupid because they are poking a sleeping bear. You see this with Bud Light and Target. Suburban moms and blue collar workers fighting back using their wallet. For those who hip carry, the wallet is only 6 inches from the lead. The arrogance of some people is mind blowing. You guys don’t even want to consider the devastation which may arise due to your hatred. Orange man bad. You think terms like “rule of law” and “no one is above the law” are going to matter when the shit hits the fan…..because orange man bad.
So what is your nic over at the other site of seditionists? You are pushing this narrative under the guise of "asking the question". You should be banned. Again, I turned you over to the FBI. Starting this thread alone gives them probable cause to have you on their radar. Enjoy your attempt at tying to overthrow our democracy.
It seems like your question was answered, you just didn't like the answers. As for ranting about stupid people who can't dialogue without insults, have you read your own posts?
So under your standard we should be fine with anyone ascending to office under threats of violence if they don't win? What if Trump wins in 2024 and refuses to leave office or demands that Don Jr replace him? At that point do we once again need to re-asses the possibility of civil war? Yes, things could get ugly if Trump is convicted but that's not a reason to not hold him accountable.
I hope this is my last reply to these responses. You and all the others need to just stop! Stop trying to read between the lines. My OP is not about the guilt or innocence of Trump. It is about the charges against him, which are all very very weak legally. If you can’t accept that premise then you should stop responding to this thread because you are likely an orange man bad fanatic. If you can just accept that the accusations against Trump are not cut and dry SERIOUS criminal conduct, then you have to look at the perception of the charges from 60 million Americans. It does not make any difference if Trump is guilty or innocent of having a secret document in his toilet, the perception is the prosecution is politically motivated. so my op today is about an article that claims Biden’s Department of Injustice is Targeting Trump for something related to Jan 6. Unless there is secret evidence that nobody is aware of, there’s absolutely nothing there to charge Trump with. But, as any lawyer will tell you, you can indict a ham sandwich. Every day, in every state, every county, and every city, prosecutors use their discretion in deciding if, when, and how they will prosecute someone. This is one of those times. All of these ideals that you guys are espousing in this thread, will not matter if violence erupts as a result of this political mess. There will be no rule of law, there will be martial law If Trump committed a clear cut, often prosecuted, serious crime he should be held accountable. But that is not the case here. I believe our democracy is more important than 1 man. I don’t give a rats ass about Trump. I do love my country.