Isn’t eating healthy woke? ie a diet of less red meat and chips and more vegetables and whole grains?
Particularly early in the war in the blitz, which because they were out of their minds, literally, they apparently were so relentless and fierce. The ramifications caught up to them.
I use the word occasionally. Usually in jest. Even before DeSantis I think. I have fun with it. Btw. I don’t have any master other than my Christian God. And wait for it. I’m a registered Democrat my whole adult life.
Maybe not everyone wants to go sit through a movie when they know ahead of time the mission is going to fail.
Actually, fat people are an oppressed class now. Eat your chips and red meat, and you are on your way to being part of an oppressed class.
that is false. Many movies fail b/c people suck. A lot of movies you love did not do well. As I like to say about pretty much anything that’s wildly popular - that many people can’t possibly be right. Forrest Gump won as Oscar
Seriously? Im seeing more and more obese people in commercials now a days. And,,,, they are wearing bikinis on the local beaches. Fat is the new fad.
Mission Impossible was really good. Went with my wife and her friend last night and all three of us enjoyed it. Thought they did a good job pounding in tension and action with some light comedy, and telling a pretty good story with a unique bad guy.
Agree, should I pay any attention to them. I’m 70 and don’t have or waste time looking for their fruits.
The movie looks great but I wonder if this being the 7th one plus two big movies coming out this weekend hurt it. Fallout only hit 61 million on its opening weekend but later ended up making a lot of money. Doubt it has anything to do with Woke regarding this movie. Just the fact it's the 7th one and it's coming out at the same time two other hugely anticipated movies are coming out.
According to Wikipedia, the MMMBop song you like was nominated for two Grammys and reached number one in 12 countries. I actually don't think it's bad either though for the record. I think it was just played so much that people got exhausted with it. Many times there's also a gulf between between public and critical reviews. Interesting to me when I look up a movie on Rotten Tomatoes and see an audience score that is very divergent from the critics' score in either direction. If it's a horror movie or martial arts movie, for example, I tend to ignore the critics because I think the sophisticated and cerebral types don't appreciate those great works.