The newest Mission Impossible has failed to meet box office expectations. MSN Given the legion of posts declaring that recent Disney movies have not performed up to expectations because that Company is Woke, this can only mean that Mission Impossible has gone Woke. Obviously, the reason cannot be that people just have not run back to the theaters post-Covid. Woke is the only acceptable explanation why a good-reviewed movie doesn’t meet expectations. (FWIW, I saw the movie and loved it).
Conservatives I know say they loved it … But apparently nobody can compete with the Caviezel film on substance.
Yes, every movie that underperforms is woke. That is totally an accurate characterization of what conservatives are saying. So stupid.
Watched a pretty woke movie the other night. The Hours featuring Meryl Streep, Juliane Moore and Nicole Kidman. Everybody in the movie was gay and miserable and one threw himself out of a window and another put rocks in her jacket and drowned herself. Don’t remember how it did at the box office.
Looks like it was the highest grossing movie of the weekend, but I guess it's interesting if it didn't do as well as some other big movies did their first weekend.
I haven’t seen one yet that I really liked. Hope I feel the same way you do after I watch the most recent one.
Love him or hate him - and he may not be the best actor - but Cruise is arguably the greatest movie star of our time.
Strange dude, but his work ethic seems pretty incredible, not to mention the risks he continues to take doing dangerous stunts. I'm not typically into the big summer blockbuster action movies, but the fact that he's actually doing stunts and not relying on CGI is very impressive. Hard to even imagine what continues to drive him at his age and given the success he's already achieved.
I love how the right has been programmed to salivate at certain words their masters whip out in place of intelligent debate. “Woke” is one “weaponization” is the latest. The original meaning of “woke” was to show respect for different people and lifestyles. But the right, especially DeSantis, has completely bastardized that term, and people such as yourself use it as an epithet. Your GOP masters on the far right must be proud of you.
Maybe so in a way, lol. I imagine even seemingly absurd beliefs can provide inspiration to those who really believe it. But eating healthy and regular exercise are probably a big part of his ability to keep doing this stuff. He strikes me as a guy who probably has a hard time relaxing or enjoying down time. Basically the opposite of me.
I don't think so, most of them are just bland CGI spectacles, movies like this are kind of refreshing