The only issue I have is the length of time incarcerated. One does not just re-enter the world and everything is hunky-dory. She's has spent almost 100% of her adult life in prison where her daily life was by the book, carefully orchestrated for her, with little to no say in how she went about her day-2-day life. She says she wants to get a job, but who in the world will ever hire her? And even more important, can she work after all this time? She's going to act like a 5th grader asking permission to take a piss, eat lunch, can she go home, etc. At 73, it will take years to get where she can do things on her own without someone else telling her what to do, when to do it, and how to do it.
Agreed, I would anticipate a harsh slap of reality is in her future. I mean she can pretend to check your membership card at Costco. I believe one of the conditions for parole is a realistic post-release plan. I obviously have no idea what hers is but presumably there is one.
Interesting points. She won’t be able to collect Social Security because she hasn’t been paying into it. I guess she could go on welfare. I have no clue how she will survive.
She's made some pretty famous friends, like John Waters (and I expect various media will be interested in speaking to her), I expect she'll have more opportunities than many parolees to make a living of sorts. She can probably make the rounds on any true crime podcast / convention.
After ,50 years behind bars, it must be quite a shock to be out and see how the world has changed. Would seem to be pretty hard to adjust without a lot of support, not to mention funding your life needs. .
Ok, aiding in murder. Feel better? As I said, in case you have reading issues, guilty of desecration of a corpse. None of your nitpicking changes the context of my post.
Interesting. Technically she did not murder anyone. Did she aid in murder, yes. Was she a psycho, sure. she did her time and paid the price. Don't get me wrong. I also would have no issue if she was denied parole as well. You are free to your opinions, of course. As am I.