I hope the morons in this thread at least listen to cops. Or I guess if you stop posting we can assume you too failed to follow instructions?
You're looking at the "unarmed" part in hindsight and with a palpable anti-police bias. I don't recall ever seeing one of your posts expressing sympathy for what cops face, much less appreciation. BTW, I'm a liberal, but one who tries to look at each case on its individual merits, not with a rigid bias.
We're looking at it in "hindsight" because the cop shot and killed the guy before determining whether he had a weapon. Trickster, do you think police officers' lives are more valuable? If the answer is no, why are you so willing to make excuses for police officers shooting unarmed people because the cop were afraid? As for sympathy or appreciation, I'm not going to express "sympathy" towards a cop who shot and killed an unarmed man, nor will I express appreciation. And if you're asking why I don't express those things in a general sense, it is because of my low opinion of the institution.
I've got a better idea gator_lawyer, Why don't we just do away with law enforcement completely. Then you have a choice to make when a thug walks up to your car door (and don't think it won't happen) and tells you to hand him your wallet or keys and don't make any sudden moves. You'll have a choice, either obey the thug or reach for whatever weapon you might have handy......How do you think that is going to work out?
I don't carry a weapon and have never been mugged, robbed, or carjacked. That said, I have no interest in doing away with law enforcement entirely. Regardless, I don't believe police officers' lives are worth more than the rest of ours.
Then you had better talk to some police officers and let them know that they are expected to deal with lowlifes however they are not allowed to defend themselves when one is acting threatening or not following directions in an obvious serious situation.
They are allowed to defend themselves when their life is threatened, not whenever they're afraid. They don't get to shoot people for failing to follow directions.
Why don’t we talk about the fact that cops are shot at, stabbed, punched and kicked on a pretty regular basis across this country on any given day? It’s not like cops don’t have reason to be apprehensive in these situations. Perhaps when the people stop shooting at the cops, the cops will stop shooting inebriated drivers who can’t follow a simple instruction even though they’re behind a wheel driving alongside your family and mine and could take out an innocent family at any time due to their stupidity but you don’t give a rat’s ass because you’ve been duped by leftist propaganda. How about that?
There absolutely should be and there is a penalty for failing to follow the lawful commands of a police officer. Florida Statute 843.02 Resisting officer without violence to his or her person.—Whoever shall resist, obstruct, or oppose any officer as defined in s. 943.10(1), (2), (3), (6), (7), (8), or (9); member of the Florida Commission on Offender Review or any administrative aide or supervisor employed by the commission; county probation officer; parole and probation supervisor; personnel or representative of the Department of Law Enforcement; or other person legally authorized to execute process in the execution of legal process or in the lawful execution of any legal duty, without offering or doing violence to the person of the officer, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
Cops and criminals typically are drawn from the same gene pool(ofcourse there are exceptions) but the number of cops who have a sibling or an uncle in the “system” is eye opening.
Exactly this not following a cops lawful orders should be met with additional charges not with a death sentence or hospital visit.
Because he took his hand off the steering wheel like he was grabbing something, that was pretty obvious
Oh, and we know a brave person like yourself would be so much better at this. You guys are really pathetic
With you making the worst possible decision based on your lack of understanding of the applicable laws.
They really aren’t shot at, etc on a regular basis, and like this particular situation they create their own danger, shoot first ask questions later.