She was an accessory to murder, guilty of desecration of a corpse (not murder itself), did her 53 years and is deemed no longer a threat to society. So I personally have no issue with it.
Haven't followed her story. When was the last time she came up to get out? I know Manson died in 2017. Part of me thinks they were never going to let this lady out with Manson still alive.
She's been eligible a number of times (over 20 times!). More recently in 2016 & 2019-22, she was recommended parole by the board and its been vetoed by the governor every time. Finally the courts ruled in her favor after a governor's denial.
He’ll be convicted for his murders right after the last four or five presidents are convicted for theirs.
Obviously way off topic for this thread but since you indirectly raised the issue would that happen before or after Vladimir Putin is convicted of the many war crimes that the Russians have committed in Ukraine?
She was part of one of the most gruesome criminal episodes in American history in which 7 people were brutally murdered. She held Rosemary LaBianca down while Tex Watson stabbed her to death and then she herself stabbed the woman 14 times after was dead. She did not accept responsibility for her actions, she went to trial three times and was convicted twice (trial 2 was a mistrial.) She forfeited her right to ever be free again. OP: Is it really too much trouble for you to actually look up the spelling of the woman's name since you obviously didn't have a clue how to spell it on your own?
The other murders included Sharon Tate, an actress who had appeared in feature films including Valley of the Dolls.
If prison is a place to be reformed, and everyone agrees that after 50 years she is no longer a danger, then what would be the reason to keep her? If prison is for retribution, then why ever release her? I am generally in the rehab camp in philosophy class. But after class ends, I am forced into the punishment camp. And I admit that sometimes I actually do yearn for the retribution. Hard for me to envision someone committing that crime ever walking the streets again. I guess I’d vote for parole but I’d have to fight down the vomit.