You've made a big deal about "skin in the game," seems like they have it. Of course I wouldnt put it past some people to be like "I pay the tuition so I should get to decide what they do for them."
Your son's dorm gives me hope against for a future that Tilly's story foretold. I fantasize that if were put in that situation I would cross out pronouns and insert adjectives. My adjectives would be handsome and brilliant. The fact that there is no manifestation of either description in the real world would be, obviously, irrelevant.
I’m not missing the point. You’ve made it several times. I just find your outrage to be … disproportionate. Regardless, it seems you have missed the entire point of why virtually every university does this on their tours. They do it to make sure the visitors know the school is one of INCLUSION, not EXCLUSION, and the future students should know they are free to be who they are. And, again, I find it weird that people are so offended by the concept.
Right. To you, pronouns represent the end of civilization, and we should all be retreating to bunkers to protect from the ZE fallout. I’d prefer that we talk about issues like infrastructure, inflation, the proliferation — and acceptance — of lying politicians and leaders, amongst other things.
LOL you need to force your guides to provide pronouns so people know you are inclusive. Seriously LOL!!!!!