Northwestern football coach Pat Fitzgerald fired after hazing claims | CNN Six month investigation gets him 2-week suspension. Student newspaper allegations get him fired. Seems like there’s something missing here.
I think they now feel pretty confident that he knew what was going on, whereas it was unclear previously
Shoulda been Huggins at WV, but he's doing the Constanza thing where he's now saying he didn't actually quit and trying to go back to work
NW tried to cover it up. Press had the goods ready to expose the reality. NW administration has a lot to explain.AD should be gone
I have to say I feel bad my first thought was "do they have any decent players to go after in the transfer portal?"
It seems weird that the school has a law firm investigate for six months and they take one course of action. Then, two days later the school newspaper alleges something from before the coach became head coach and he's fired. Did the law firm do an inadequate job? Did they just want the coach gone and needed some crumb(s) to cut ties? Does this have to do with the $$$ for a stadium renovation? Have you ever seen a grown man naked? (oh, oh...this could get me suspended...then fired) In perspective: Penn State - adolescents are raped over years School/Board wholly clueless and impotent. Michigan State - Dr. molests female athletes for years - nothing done. Northwestern - hazing of athletes by other athletes School seems to over react. Now, if you're going to make a mistake then Northwestern is the "better" error. It appears to be over the top.
The school only released an executive summary of the investigation. Over the weekend, many of the details of the hazing were made public. The deluge of stories led to increased pressure on the board of trustees as each was published. So what happened? In my opinion, the press, boosters, students and fans came to a different conclusion as to the severity and responsibility for the allegations than the board did. The accusations of a coverup by not releasing the details didn't help. The board either realized they were initially wrong or yielded to public opinion. Neither scenario is particularly scandalous.
He's 4-20 the last two seasons. Why was he still there to begin with? They can pay a guy off the street a few bucks to go 1-11.
Throw in the sick doc at UMich ($500m settlemetZ) and the OSU wrestling team, and the B1G has a huge sexual abuse problem. I think that's the much bigger story here. What happens during those cold winters??