Probably younger than that in some places.
Definitely true (a lot of people in their 60s went to legally segregated schools). Just wanted a number that would be true as generally as possible.
I do not think making this law will have ANY bearing on a judges sentencing of black people. None. If the judge is already showing racial bias this law won’t change that. Any judge showing racial bias needs to be publicly outed. I don’t think the Rooney rule works the way it was intended.. it has become a joke that gets a wink and a nod and that’s it. That is how I see this law getting used. Oh we considered their race.. yes sir.. and nothing changes. Go after the judges showing racial bias.
Maybe I'm naive but why can't we take sentencing out of the judges hands (at all levels). A person commits crime X, the DA looks at the evidence and figures out what the most likely crime that he can be charged with. The person is tried, has a jury etc. and if found guilty the sentence is a fixed amount of time that has all been pre-determined. The judge can't just make it 5 years less for a white guy.
That was word salad. If a racist judge handed down an unjust sentence the solution is to get rid of the judge, fix the sentence and compensate the victim if warranted. The solution can never be let the next black criminal off or punish the next white criminal harder. That's idiotic.
This is why no one can take your position seriously. Being a drama queen may get you a rainbow parade, but you don't convert any fence humpers to join your side. But sure, go ahead and give me the list of victims and the specific injuries and I will start looking into them and issue checks when warranted.
You must be reading a different article than me. I see 3 people who don't claim any injury to themselves but instead claim injury to others (using a public nuisance argument) for which the 3 now seek to get compensated. The judge seemed to agree, that there is some weak ass shit lawyering.
I think the real question is actually the reverse. Should judges not take gender (or race) into account in their sentencing? I don't think they should increase or relax sentencing based on race. I think they should stop sentencing certain groups higher or lower based on race and/or gender.
Oh OK I think I understand. You mean like folks who burned and looted after the George Floyd situation going free while people who nonviolently joined the crowd entering the capital on Jan 6th getting over charged and over sentenced.
Even if that were true and equivalent scenarios, you can’t use an outlier to represent the totality. Side note: They didn’t just “enter the Capitol” for a visit. They participated in an insurrection and attack on the federal government. It’s not the same circumstance or crime.
The link to the study posted above noted that "Violence in an offender’s criminal history does not appear to account for any of the demographic differences in sentencing."
It really isn't a word salad. In fact, it was pretty easy to understand. Your claim was that impeachment was a reasonable remedy of disparate sentencing. And yet, you can't find literally anybody who has proposed doing that, despite substantial evidence of long-term disparate sentencing. So it doesn't seem like anybody thinks that is a realistic tool to remedy those concerns.
Do you think that being forced to attend a lesser school because you are a different race inflicts injury on a person? How about being unable to vote?
Some that were charged and convicted were non violent and just entered with the crowd. Certainly do not deserve to be spending years behind bars. How can one be labeled a mostly peaceful protest and everybody involved in the other be insurrectionists? I will guarantee you the majority of the Jan 6th crowd were just there in protest with no thoughts of insurrection or violence on their minds but that has no bearing on the charges, if you walked through the doors you are going to jail, usually for a long time.
Too bad a bill is needed. EVERY judge needs to take stock from time to time to ensure that he or she is not unduly influenced by race or any other factor not bearing on the case at hand. We all have biases. We all ought to pause and take an honest look at what they are This is especially true of judges. Anyone who believes blacks have been fairly treated by our judicial system - that is, the same as whites - hasn't taken an honest look. And you know this how, based on what?????