What if their intent is to provide good customer service for a capitalist institution seeking to maximize its value, is it still communism
Capitalism even in the narrowest sense is pretty much just an outgrowth of human nature paired with job specialization and the rule of law to minimize lying, cheating, stealing, killing, etc. You let people specialize and trade, without worrying about basic things like safety and theft, and for-profit trade will naturally emerge. Why? Because it's easier to be great at one thing and trade than it is to do everything yourself... and it doesn't make logical sense to break your back for strangers that won't break their back for you.
Seems like mostly an accident to me that humans chose agriculture, allowing for the development of nation states, a more rigid division of labor, etc. There really isnt much evidence that was some kind of natural progression given how people lived prior. Agriculture is also the basis of things like people having back pain from bending over and on a much grander scale, slavery and inequality (somebody has to pick those crops, never seems to be the king or president). I guess its a neat story you can tell yourself that the way we live now just so happens to be some kind of natural order that worked out.
I don’t for sure, but Context clues suggest it from all the posters here. It seems all the guides are infected.
I didn't even say that "specifying your pronouns" is Communism. I said that "specifying your pronouns" furthers deconstructionist ends. And the people who typically want deconstructionist ends through these means, are typically Communists. Communists use Capitalism to market their system all the time. Don't believe me? Che Guevara Store | The One Stop Che Shop!
I don't have anything against the guides, personally. Just pointing out the flaw and consequences of the action. I understand not wanting to risk your job and your reputation to make a point. The problem is if you're in the camp that's "going along to get along," our competition isn't granting us that same courtesy, so somebody is going to have to stand up to them.
If they were being made to do something, they wouldnt be infected? They would just be doing what most people do at their jobs, following orders.
Little off topic, but too good to pass up to address the dismissiveness of the notion that Communists don't wield Capitalist systems to further the goals of Communism. In response to Guevara: "As a communist, it must really hurt that your face has been cheapened, weakened, besmirched being plastered on posters, coasters, and shirts making capitalists rich off of you on merch!"
I guess I don't see how reinforcing gender difference by specifying pronouns is 'deconstructing' anything, just like commodifying Che Guevara isnt subverting capitalism either
Who forced industry on everybody? Before there were kings and queens, and before there was advanced degrees of job specialization, how would anybody feed their families? The answer is either bullying people to feed them for you, or farming and hunting for the food yourself. Industry and trade came because it was easier than doing all of that yourself, not because anybody forced it on society.
Industry and trade came about to advance the war making abilities of nascent states to gain or hold territory, not to make everyone's lives easier
LOL! You really think 6 of 6 kids at UF introduce themselves to people each day with their pronouns? Come on Man!
I am being truthful, reinforcing gender ideas through pronouns is certainly not subverting the idea of gender differences. Like you arent against pronouns that distinguish between genders either, you just want fewer of them or something, or people not to say them when introducing themselves. Its certainly not advancing some kind of post-gender order where we are all the same. So what is actually being deconstructed? Nothing, people are building even more onto the construct it seems.
Agreed, this is absolutely bizarre. Someone said a friend told him that the student tour guides introduced themselves and added pronouns ... he/him ... she/her ... they/huh? ... or whatever. Now it's turned become the university is making the students do something against their will! It's unnatural! It's an entire university philosophical attempt to destroy social order as we know it! Good grief.
I think I know what he's trying to say, but you make a good point here. Seems to me like the deconstructing the sex/gender distinction would look more like everybody identifying as non-binary - as opposed to people (a small percentage of people at that) identifying as transgender while others let people know their gender aligns with their sex at birth.
I don't, I think they do in more formal or professional contexts. Just like someone might do on a work call, but they wouldnt when they are ordering a coffee or at a party. You are the one who seems to think the bad people wants everyone to do this stuff all the time, everywhere.