Ha, what? Almost all “civility” is faux. That’s the whole point of civility. I would throw about 90% of all people through a closed patio door if I were just reacting on my true feelings. About 95% of all people would do the same to me. Instead we tolerate the little things. Like a guy saying “…he/him…” during a tour.
You completely missed the point. The guy did not say “…he/him” by choice. I would bet you have never had someone introduce themselves to you or a group you were a part of with pronouns.
This is just one more thing used to distract us from inflation... war that we are paying for... Biden's lack of bowel controls and his failing mind... riots in Europe, and a whole host of other catastrophes happening on Biden's watch. But the groomers and pronoun pushers will not last past the SCOUTS and these people pushing it know that. It's a time and effort DIVERSION. Just one more major DIVERSION that Obama and the Leftists clowns use on THE SHEEPLE that entertain your time and thought. This is this subterfuge.
Someone getting worked up, inflamed and traumatized by someone living their own life in their own skin? I think their priorities are absolutely out of place. I can think of a legion of things that merit more discussion, outrage and solution-needy.
There's more important things, sure. But I think this is more than important enough to warrant a discussion. It's stupid, it's a product of progressive attempts at wielding control over the culture, and it should be called out for being both of those things. It's nowhere near as innocent as many like to pretend that it is. Today it's "he/him," which is really "gender is a social construct," which is really that history's recognition of this general gender binary is completely flawed. Tomorrow it's all traditional views are flawed and we need to deconstruct all institutions which are based on those traditional views or operate under those traditional views, then reconstruct them in this progressive vision of feelings over facts and equity over merit, or as I like to call it, a Trojan Horse for Communism.
I’ve come across people referring to themselves as something other than their biological pronouns less than 5 times in my life. How many times have you come across it? Yet, every day another thread pops up about someone complaining about the end of civilization because of it. It’s become a bogus boogie man talking point by screamers and finger-pointers. And I’ll end with this - it costs you nothing to show kindness and decency in referring to people in a manner that they choose. Some would say it’s simple human decency. But if that is too much, then just don’t do it. Nobody will think of it 5 minutes after the fact.
I often want to throw myself through the plate glass. I get it. But then I think “What would phil do without me”, and I perservere. For you.
This isn't something new. All the dorms at USF had the preferred pronoun on their door two years ago when we took our daughter down there as a Freshman. I thought it odd, but it is benign and the kids that age just shrug it off and are used to it. I see it in professional emails in signature lines today as well, mostly those under 30. I am ok with that tidbit of info because it saves me that awkward moment on the phone when I don't know the person when their first name could be male or female. I've put my foot in my mouth more than once guessing wrong.
The root of these ideas is pretty much that. Most people who subscribe to it fall in the “useful idiot” category. They think they’re being virtuous when they’re really being pawns.
The only people being distracted are right wingers. To everyone else it's nothing to get bent all out of shape about. Florida has a serious auto and property insurance affordability problem yet the right wants to pass pronoun laws, spend millions to charter flights for a handful of migrants and focus on drag queens