The irony is we resolved to to war with the nation, Russia which, as it turns out, was not actively working to destabilize the U.S.
I know, if we hadn’t turned Ukraine into a gun platform, to weaken Russia, we’d all be speaking Russian tomorrow.
It's a great opportunity to see Russia defeated for a few billion dollars and with no American troop lives at risk. It potentially frees up trillions of dollars in the next decade to shore up our infrastructure and strengthen our economy. For the democrats, it's also an opportunity to have a democrat president lead us through a war with a major rival to a successful conclusion, with no chance of blowback from soldiers being killed. This spells a high likelihood of the democrat president being re-elected (especially alongside of the booming economy which would come our way after Russia's defeat). Why this one? Because Russia stepped in it with both feet. They screwed the pooch big-time. The failed to close the deal in the first month of the war, and Ukraine has been handing their ass to them ever since. IOW: this is a very winnable war.
The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave reduced to fighting wars on the cheap with other countries’ people.
“their crew wouldn't be alive today if Bradley didn't protect them from a battle early on in the counteroffensive where they were struck by mines, high caliber guns and attack drones. We were hit multiple times," Andriy, who drove one Bradley, said. "Thanks to it, I am standing here now. If we were using some Soviet armored personnel carrier we would all probably be dead after the first hit. It's a perfect vehicle. Almost all of my guys were concussed, and they were really disoriented," he said. But the squad inside bailed out and managed to safely escape back to cover.“ Ukrainian soldiers say they owe lives to US-supplied Bradley vehicles
You could make that argument for any weapons agent. “Ukraine is in a war for survival.” Why don’t we supply them with chemical and biological weapons why we’re at it? I mean after all, it’s a war of survival, right? Why should there be any convention about what the Ukrainians use to defend themselves? Whatever they gotta do, right? Even if it means killing way more of their own civilians than it does Russian soldiers, it’s all good, right? More than 120 countries – including most NATO members – have signed on to a convention prohibiting cluster munitions use, but there’s nothing to see here. Sanctioning widespread murder of Ukrainian civilians, something we condemned Russia for just a few months ago is cool. It’s murderous when they do it, but if our proxy does it in Ukraine, it’s for the betterment. What a sick, demonic, hypocritical way of thinking.
the very sad truth about this unnecessary war is that the Ukrainian people and country will require a whole generation to recover and they’ll probably be losing people to mines and cluster bombs for the next 50 years. And that’s best case scenario assuming they win. It’ll be worse if they lose.
… and because we can’t afford to allow Russia to win, let’s continue to implore the Ukrainians to fight to the last man. Because we care.
1. The us never signed any agreement about cluster munitions. 2. It is murderous when it’s done as an act of aggression aimed at civilians. Ukraine is on defense attacking armed forces invading their country - or did you somehow forget that? It’s a shit choice because of the long term problems associated with unexploded ordinance but it’s not ukraines fault they’re in the position to have to make that choice. Russia brought us to this point. And Ukraine ain’t shooting cluster bombs at civilians. 3. Regarding your straw man argument about chemical weapons, the us has signed on to a treaty to not use those so that’s different. Russia actually signed too btw. Which is why outside of a few isolated unconfirmed reports Russia hasn’t used them either. Edit- I want to add that when you’re in a fight for survival you use whatever you can. I’m sure if the us or Russia was being invaded they wouldn’t hesitate to use all of the weapons at their disposal even the really shitty ones, idk why we expect things to be different in Ukraine.
Yes. They are INSIDE UKRAINE TERRITORY!!!! That’s the definition an invader. Ukrainians, and Russians a.Ike, are dying BECAUSE your people have invaded and remain inside the Ukrainian territorial border. So, yes, evil Russians is accurate in terms of their invasion and occupation if land that is not theirs to occupy.
obviously, you’re omitting their election interference campaigns, their internet troll Famrs designed to create destabilization, and their troll campaign to sew discord inside our borders?
It’s also a helluva lot cheaper stopping their aggression now, as opposed to a full scale global conflict.