Wait, there are people out there that still think Covid came from a wet market? Can’t fix stupid I guess.
My parents are still not vaxxed and doing great. Dad is over 70 mom is almost there. Dad almost was going to take it so he could travel. But when they started coercing people who had immunity (like he and my mom) he exponentially got to where I was with the red flags. It really is sick what these idiots did with the propaganda. They scared people to a point they would not let family get together unless they took a shot they did not need (my mom not welcome with her sisters unless she took an unnecessary shot but now is lol). You want to know why I continue to discuss the idiocy of this thing. Because those who were so wrong caused more damage than they even know!
I was sort of joking and threw the capital gains in to be over the top. Are you saying if my dad dies and I get his house I’m only paying taxes on any increase in the value from when he dies? That’s the biggest part of most people’s inheritance.
Except that nothings going to happen to anyone. Just calling out and hand ringing from the sidelines.
I know people that have smoked cigarettes for 30 years and haven't got cancer. That doesn't make them any less stupid.
During Covid it sure was. Lockdowns, school closures, masks, denying natural immunity. Like I said, can’t fix stupid.
Clearly you have a high regard of your option at the expense of all others, but what most interests me is your insistence that everyone is “stupid” for disagreeing with you about the origin of a virus that you’ve never seen from a country in which you were not present regarding a complex process that isn’t fully understood by the state of our science. Since none has so far, I wonder what evidence, if it existed, would shake your confidence in the lab leak hypothesis?
I believe you. The challenge is, as almost always, to determine how much of this change was due to the nature of the research vs the nature of your faith.
Ironic that you should mention faith in this context, bearing in mind that virologists are people who presuppose viruses and see them into existence. Now carry on with the silly debate …
Come on…”the expense of all others”. We caused far more expense to others by not following the science and actually acknowledging who was truly at risk.
It was actually you that introduced the term faith. I’m simply suggesting that the fact that research changed your mind can’t help the rest of us through this problem, as your transformation is a function of both the nature of research as well as that of your mind.
I’m employing the term expense slightly differently, without any connotation regarding costs incurred by the other parties. Basically, if my view disagrees with that of most experts in a given scientific field, I wonder if I am missing something. An alternative approach is to be amazed at how those experts can be so stupid.
while there is certainly a scientific aspect to the origin of this virus, there is also an equally important intelligence/political aspect. The intelligence community’s conclusion, which was also peer reviewed, concluded otherwise. I wouldn’t get so caught up in peer reviews, because that can be manipulated just as easily as picking scientist that agree with you. I’m not picking sides in this because it’s irrelevant at this point. It only really matters if we want to go to war. You can’t bring back the dead.
This is what I am talking about. You see this as a matter of research alone, but we know that this cannot be so because virologists, who have done a lot more research into the subject than you, have almost universally come to the opposite conclusion. The key difference must instead be located in the eye of the beholder.