I am over this nonsense. Have heard enough stories about it from people going on tours at UF. But today chatted with a very close friend who went on one with his oldest who will be heading off next year. He is better than I. I would have bolted and taken my daughter on a private tour with mom and dad if all the guides introduced themselves with their “pronouns”. These idiots in leadership at UF need to stop pushing agendas and focus on what UF is about. The last thing someone needs to hear taking their kid on a visit to UF is “I am Jake from Orlando he/him” being pushed by some idiot administrator (kid clearly had to based on later discussions). So embarrassing!
Whoo, what an unbelievable ordeal to have to navigate. I hope the trauma to the part of the brain that regulates shitthatiseasy is only temporary.
It's utter foolishness. It ought to be called the hell out for what it is, not supported out of some sordid sense of faux civility.
These sorts of things happen when we begin lying to each other, as a society, as a formal way of communication.
I think it is pretty easy...just check the plumbing. I hope you can recover from the trauma of how easy that is.
Florida, the Freedom State, where freedom of speech means that other people should only say things that I want to hear.
Michael Jackson’s pronouns: He / Hee Why not just treat people with a sense of decorum and empathy? To not go to UF because of a tour guide’s pronouns is very first world.
I suspect the OP is quick to correct someone if they address his dentist spouse as "Mrs" instead of doctor.
More like humans had it right for hundreds of years and now suddenly a pocket of bored social justice warriors decided they know better than everyone else. Hilarious.
Creating fake issues like this is why Dark Brandon will be enjoying another 4 years in the White House
I’ve made it 53 years without anyone getting my pronoun wrong. There’s only been one person I’ve ever met that I wasn’t sure if they were male or female. Even then, it wasn’t important for me to know their pronoun but no big deal if they mentioned it. However, that should be up to them. It would be ridiculous if they are told that they need to mention their pronouns as part of the tour.
Seriously! If the kid wants to state their pronouns. So be it. And there might be a kid that does. But I can guarantee you that no one here introduces themselves to people with pronouns. But hey. Let’s require our students to do it when they give tours. It really is the antithesis of what a University is about.