Anyone here have CenturyLink “$65 for life special” that they offered a few years ago for gigabit service? Now they are attempting to increase the price to $75. Probably going to be a class action filed soon if not already. I called them today and spent 15 minutes on the chat with them going through a whole litany of excuses. They finally caved when I threw out the term fraudulent inducement. Their excuses are off the chart ridiculous. Some great threads on Reddit on people’s interactions.
I’m actually in at $45 I think. I have paid $52.48 after taxes for a really long time. Can’t remember when it started. Now I don’t have the speed as Cox but I can’t tell the difference and stream TVs and have multiple devices run just fine. I was worried I was going to have to give it up when we went streaming. But all good. Wish I could get the same deal for our place in Palm Coast. Spend twice as much on internet there. But YouTubeTV is brilliant as I can use it at both places.
In their script, one of the things they claim is, there is no contract for $65 for life, but instead it was “$20 off for life”, and the regular price was $85 (now $95)…but they didn’t count on the power of the internet community forums. Dozens of people posted photos of the advertisements across the country showing $65 for life for gig speed if you switch from your current providers. No mention whatsoever of $20 for anything in their advertisement. People even have screenshots of centuryLink‘s webpage showing the offer. They’re going to get so fucked over by a class action lawsuit that’s going to be in the 100 millions. I’m going to guess too many people signed up and now they have a few million people at $65 for the rest of their life. LOL
Set up a subsidiary with the profitable customers.. spin it off.... close down old operation and offer lifers a discounted rate for a term with new company. I should go work for Trump.
Like the guy who built my patio and gave me a lifetime warranty on it. Of course, he was 65 years old and had heart problems.
It probably states in the contract that they can kill you when it's time to raise their prices again.