Governments deliberately released a pathogen so deadly that it killed octogenarians with four comorbidities.
More like governments deliberately released a weak pathogen and willfully overreacted to it. It was a command and control exercise.
To the Chinese, Cull the weak Lower their Population Confident that it will spread to the rest of the world and decimate the Global Economy Raise prices on all the PPP that they manufacture and control and profit off the leak I’m sure others can give additional reasons.
If it was a cynical ploy, on the part of China, to bring the rest of the world to its knees … why was China the last country in the world to abandon lockdowns ?
Lol @ cocainegate. They found a baggy on the floor of the White House in a section where they give PUBLIC TOURS. What’s the implication here? You think “sleepy joe” is actually a coke head?
Who are the least productive and most expensive to care for in our advances economies? How much has been saved in SS and medicare expenses due to older people dying 5-10 years early? Increased capital gains taxes on inheritances more gov cash? All part of the discussion.
Origins of SARS-CoV-2 | Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health unfortunately, politics has burned the body so to speak so that we will likely never know bc it has been politicized to death But the evidence shows that the market was definitely the culprit, just as in 2003, when a live animal market led to the emergence of SARS—a smaller pandemic, but nonetheless very concerning if you are a conspiracy theorist, you have little credibility. put your money where your mouth is in fly to China to get some proof
It was the logical outworking of germ theory. But two recent developments amplified pseudo-pandemic terror as never before … First, governments and their heads have never been better-connected. And in monkey see, monkey do fashion heads of state, fearing blood on hands, fell like dominos. Two, social media as vox populi was easily regulated to sow fear and to marginalize dissenting perspectives. In the end it was honest fear-based stupidly. Arguable the stupidest worldwide phenomenon in history.
yikes. BTW capital gains are usually not realized on death. The assets are “stepped up” on death. The impact would be the opposite of what you are saying.
Reminds me of the 2017 movie Unlocked : “Forced isolation of all contacts, quarantine camps with the troops to secure them, real time access to private medical records …”
Danm, I beat the system. Over 70, didn't mask up unless required, didn't get vaxed until a year or so after it was available. I'm still here, Screw you governments.