Gray pride month. Since everyone else has a day, week, or month I’m going to start circulating a petition to have a “gray pride month”. I’ll get all the Boomer guys and gals involved, even AARP. Doesn’t matter what your race, sexuality, or political affiliation, etc. All you have to be is a certain age (to be decided by debate). If someone doesn’t like the idea and fights it, we will sue for age discrimination. We/I want my time and want it now. We will have parades in all the cities. Instead of little clown cars like the Shriners we will have Jazzy Scooters doing figure 8s, floats with sponsors like Geritol, AARP, Depends, Centrum Silver Vitamins, etc. Baton twirlers on floats. Miss Gray pride gal in a convertible, dressed very sexy of course. There will be slogans like,,,, We’re gray and we’re here to stay. If you ain’t a Boomer, suck it. Cha-Ching,,, that’s the sound of me cashing another SS check. Hey kid, off my damn lawn. Will it matter if I make it to the bathroom, Depends. Your age sucks. Old age and treachery overcomes youth and skill. I’m not hard of hearing just don’t care what you think. I’d drive faster except I like pissing you off. (Jk) I hope this made some of y’all smile. Lighten up and have a nice weekend.
I’m Gen X but I definitely have some gray on my head. I’d go to the parade but I’m usually pretty tired.
This smells like an effort to disenfranchise seniors of glabrous persuasion. Rather than summing up seniors as gray, you should call them GBRTPTL (Gray/Bald/Receding/Thinning/Plugs/Toupee/Lebron)
I know this is a joke, but have you looked at the stock market, low taxes, real estate values, and 401k? It’s a flippn’ grey millennium! Kinda spiking the ball wanting a month.
I’m in! A few points… We are too tired to march Too terrible with technology to protest online To slow to catch-up with anything Too out of it to know what’s cool On the other side We don’t care … just leave me alone and you will survive We have money We are comfortable being us We can kick ass for about 10 minutes and then need a beer break We can fish/hunt in the name of inclusiveness.. I think ANYONE with grey hair (or naturally no hair) should be included. Any young buck with premature greying deserves a spot for the ribbing he/she will take.
We would need to schedule time for a nap and dinner at 4:30… Maybe a local Buffett like Morrison a or Perkins could give a grey month discount..
I know. Got greedy. I was thinking that we wouldn’t last a month before we need a nap. So let’s start with a week and pull it back to a day if that’s too long.
We already get the senior discount. I’ll take more if offered. We built America so I think we deserve it. How about half price or BOGO which ever is cheaper. Seniors rule, everyone else drools
Damn didn’t think that one through. I’d say yes as I’m sure the hair growing other places is gray. And no,,, I don’t want to inspect your bod.