I’m guessing he’s not a spy, but a propagandist. His entire posting history, not just in this thread, is taking positions intentionally designed to sew doubt and discord, be it Covid, American politics, or the Ukrainian War. Every single post is opposition and troubling. It’s why so many have blocked him. He is, by his own admission, anti-American.
92 - ajos - I'm telling you "DD" is one of those internet russian bot trolls. He undoutedly gets paid a couple of rubles per post. I will chip in for a couple of bottles of "TAKKA" to shut him up. I bet he visits Lenins stinkin corpse at least twice a year.
To the marinated, another perspective sounds like propaganda. ironically, they’d probably arrest me if traveled to Russia. I’d say mean things about Lenin and Stalin.
How the heck did he find his way here and why isn’t he dealt with? It’s blindingly apparent what he/she/it is. Other than Covid I don’t think he posts in other threads and if so sparingly
Another nearly five pages of nothing but responding to a troll. He is absolutely revealing in this attention, it isn’t about actual debate. He is a real person, I remember his first name, job, location, even saw a picture of him from his first iteration, he has always lived to be a contrarian and prove he can make the counterpoint regardless of its veracity, I can’t believe how gullible you all are. I am officially checked out of this thread. Good luck all.
Wut? Ignore is your friend. Haven’t seen a post from him this year. Irritating to see the replies but there’s other good stuff on this thread.
Respectfully disagree. DD is passionate about his cause here. He posts many relevant links. Trolls are indifferent to the topic and only seek to engage in order to draw attention to themselves. You might not like his take, and passionately disagree with it, but I do not think he's a "troll". jmho/fwiw.
Even if so....so what? If you don't think his contributions add anything of substance...that's what ignore is for. My view of his posting history, is that he has his own way of thinking, has a well-grounded basis for it, generously shares sources/bases for them, and has given my pause to re-think my own positions, more than once (even if engaging him can be a tad frustrating). I'll take that all day long, over just another libby echoing the same flipp'n canned points anew. (My ignore list is a choir of unoriginal, boring ass, add not a damn thing of substance to any convo, chorus singers. I lose nothing by having them on ignore, while still having plenty to buck heads with). That's just me; you do you... fwiw.
Different strokes for different folks. I prefer robust debate based on rational, credible sources and information. But, different strokes for different folks…
Definitely different strokes for different folks. Most of the stuff we read is propaganda. There's just no money in anything that doesn't serve some rich/powerful person/organization's agenda. It's up to each one of us to read as widely as possible to pick out what's true and what's false. After that, even with the right information people can have different opinions. DD obviously has a pretty strong agenda of his own, but I take his posts by their own merits and not dismiss them just because they're agenda-driven. If I did that then I'd be ignoring everything that doesn't confirm my own biases and everything I say would just be to serve someone else's agenda.
I was not aware of this slip of the tongue: “For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power,” Biden said on Saturday at the Royal Castle in Warsaw. The White House and the State Dept. have been scrambling to explain away Biden’s remark. But it is too late. “The President’s point was that Putin cannot be allowed to exercise power over his neighbors or the region,” a White House official said. “He was not discussing Putin’s power in Russia, or regime change.” On Sunday, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said, “As you know, and as you have heard us say repeatedly, we do not have a strategy of regime change in Russia, or anywhere else, for that matter,” the last words inserted for comic relief. Biden Confirms Why the US Needed This War This would explain Prigozhin, but man, I really hope we had a better plan than Prigozhin as head of state. It makes sense though. They promise him a large sum of money, Prigozhin planned it for a few weeks, goes in and realizes right away he f'd up. That shows you how dangerous this game is. Only a blind fool takes that offer and gives up in less than 24 hours. Yet, apparently, we were trying to make said blind fool new Russian head of state. Perhaps somebody can explain that strategy to me, because I surely don't get it. Sounds like a "replace Putin at all costs" strategy. Why is that necessary for the people of the United States? It is not necessary. After seeing what happened in Iraq and Afghanistan, if you don't at least question the thought process, you're only loaded up on emotion. There are ones in this thread who understand what we are doing, but they embrace it. I can respect that position, even though I don't agree with it. Then there are those who don't want to talk about it, think about it or ask questions about it. It's all rah rah Ukraine!! If you have any questions, you're a "Pooty" sympathizer who hates America. I mean, let's get real. Anybody can be a cheerleader. Only a select few truly understand the game.