imo the war won’t remain on this pace - Ukraine makes a big breakthrough, Russia starts new offensive, Russia uses tactical nukes, Ukraine gets f16s and makes a big push, Russian economy deteriorates, Putin decides to retreat, etc. something has to give.
^ Russian sources previously stated they had budgeted for a 30 month war. Evidently, just about all of Western Ukrainians are lining up to be killed thanks to a stunningly effective hate program.
I know this is a difficult concept for you, Duggar, but I’ll try. Ukrainians are dying because your Russians are shooting and bombin them. They are not dying because of the United States, Britain, Germany, France or any other Western power. They have been murdered because your Russians invaded their sovereign territory (which was recognized and negotiated by your very Russians, who agreed to permanently so recognize the sovereignty in return for, amongst other things, the surrender of Ukrainian nuclear missiles). They have been murdered because your Russians have indiscriminately bombed the entire Ukrainian territory, from east to west, north to south. You can continue to propagate all you want with your one-liners and misdirections and off-topic tropes. But the undeniable, incontrovertible FACT remains that your Russians invaded their neighbor, and began murdering their neighbor’s citizens.
It was two weeks to take Kyiv and two months to reach NATO borders, including occupying Moldova, but point taken. Those were the objectives briefed to the military at the beginning of the war. We know this. It’s not in dispute. Any attempt to say the timeline was anything different than that is to hide the colossal blunder of this campaign is a lie … and not even a convincing one. No one would have signed up for this thing if they would have known it would turn out like this. This war has been a massive loss of face by Russia, and Russia is just trying to save face by continuing to fight it.
We all agree!!!! None of this was necessary. But your people nevertheless invaded, bombed, shot and murdered.
My people were burned alive in a building during your people’s 2014 coup. And my people have been getting shelled, in Eastern Ukraine, since that time. Increasingly, the larger world is coming to agree with my people that your people are thugs.
Remember when we thought Afghanistan was going to be a quick in and out. Even my ultra-liberal California sister tuned in to watch what she called “The Nightly Ass-Kicking Report.”
Yes, they even brought their parade uniforms on that first push towards Kyiv. They were going to be welcomed with vodka and flowers as they were "liberated" from their Jewish nazi oppressors. Glory to the mighty russian empire.
Cluster munitions to take out truck towed artillery troops...3% dud rate...along with counterbattery radar systems is going to help. Ukraine should have had this from the beginning. launched from himars with accuracy. I just wonder how much Russia has behind their front line of artillery. Eliminate that and then the resistance, other than mine fields, should be reduced.
And of course, your propaganda has the entire events twisted and backward from a decade ago. Just as you do with your false flags in Eastern Ukraine. And you invaded, based on lies. And you bombed an entire population population, murdering children, murdering civilians in an entire country. The entire WORLD has seen through your desperate lies and propaganda. But you lovingly cling to the lies. That’s on you.
From WaPo on why Biden is sending cluster munitions to Ukraine (where they will likely be used on civilians) … The move, which will bypass U.S. law prohibiting the production, use or transfer of cluster munitions with a failure rate of more than 1 percent, comes amid concerns about Kyiv’s lagging counteroffensive against entrenched Russian troops and dwindling Western stocks of conventional artillery.
Are you guys talking to dugger? Man I almost want to unblock him just to laugh at him. I mean according to him russia was going to win a long time ago. but yeah it’ll be interesting to see if Russia can keep up in the artillery war with the intense losses they are suffering. The last article I posted does a good job laying out the facts demonstrating Russia is relying less and less on longer range artillery and are being forced to use more short range stuff.
I’m ridiculing the blocking and insulated chatter. To remind: we know that Putin didn’t just wake up angry 2/22/22. We know that Washington was acting to sow unrest in Russia and to weaken it. Question: how would you respond if you knew that China was collaborating with Mexico to actively destabilize and weaken the U.S. ?