Um... you should check out the color/race of some of their adopted children. You are the one that is clearly ignorant. Bet their family is more diverse than yours. THEY have been the targets of racism, not the proponents of it. Duck Dynasty's Korie and Willie Robertson Discuss 'Ugly' Racist Comments Aimed at Their Son
Funny how the people who are triggered by patriotic expression are the same people who asking people to love or leave the US.
Good point. maybe they should also require placement of a Cross on their house. Also make public who they vote for, their sexuality, ethnicity, household income, where they were born, ages and gender of everyone in the house, or anyone with physical challenges. That should help with judgement
Dumb question: How is this any different from neighborhoods that require Christmas light displays (more common than you'd think in HOAs)? There's nothing political about this. It's stupid and the solution is simple. If you don't want to, don't move in there. This reminds me of the idiots in Tucson several years ago that moved into the newly built housing development near Raytheon Missile Systems and then complained that they were living near a weapons factory.
I can’t see this as anything more than a big so what. It’s out in the open. The HOA requires a flag. An American flag. So what. Don’t like it? So t move there. I skipped moving into several neighborhoods because I didn’t like the HOA rules and stipulations. Anyone here being forced to fly a flag? Anyone here being forced to live in this laeticular community? No? Ok then so what. Let those that want to do this kind of thing move there. Those that do t want to don’t have too. It’s not a big deal.
I don't know the particulars of this neighborhood. But I think it more likely that there is a political element of the statement. To use your analogy, it would be like an HOA requiring everyone to have a creche in the front yard.
Cool, another poster who lionizes bigots. Well done. 'Duck Dynasty': 5 of Phil Robertson's Biggest Scandals And yes, I am aware that a year later he tried to walk this all back after their show was jeopardized.
I don't care if they require a flag honoring Cthulhu or Pastafarianism, the solution is still simple. If you don't like it, don't move into the neighborhood. They're only hurting their own property values by doing this, not breaking any laws.
Yes, but that doesn't mean that you are agreeing to abide by them and/or that you will not challenge any of them if they are not legally enforceable. I think a lot of HOA rules and regulations are huge clusters when you break them down. Our community has a lot of unenforceable rules. In FLORIDA (presumably anywhere in the US), it's known that you can't prohibit someone from flying the flag, but I've never heard of an HOA trying to compel someone to fly a flag. Of course, I'm not sure if it's been mentioned here, but there are no expressed penalties associated with somebody not flying the flag, so this all seems like a big to-do about nothing. Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
Not a blanket statement. And I disagree with the sentiment for the current example. This isn't that complex of a problem.
Hint: Phil isn't who was being discussed. So how about you walk back the "lionizing bigots" nonsense.
I am starting to think the shot has a misery safety signal lol. You are a piece of work these days. Ignorant for sure!
nc use to be a solid. They (not sure if this is their preferred pronoun ) have become miserable and grumpy since Covid lol.
Don't move to the community if you don't want to have an American flag in your front yard. BTW, why is burning an American flag a constitutionally protected right .... but burning a LBGTQetc flag a "hate crime"? Is the rainbow flag of greater value than the American flag?
I hope this is only a big topic because people are bored during the sports desert. How about them braves?
It all seems to be speech to me. I think there are better ways than arson to get your point across though.