Florida GOP will require DeSantis, Trump to sign loyalty pledge to make primary ballot This is insane. So Chris Christie has to pledge he’d vote for Trump, and vice versa?
Irrelevant for Bootsie. He’ll be fellating Trump nonstop by 3/24. Yo Bootsie, you support Trump? Bootsie: arrgummpheragg
That’s what they are saying. Seems highly undemocratic but I guess political parties can mostly do whatever they want.
And what a dumbass idea anyway. What does it matter if some roadkill uncandidate, which each and every one other than Trump is, doesn’t do the humiliating real life bending of the knee? What exactly is Nikki Haley going to do other than precisely what she has already shown you—obey commands, don’t even need the clicker. DeSantis is going to run for governor on being anti-Trump? Not to mention the legitimacy of this “pledge.” Imagine a pre 2016 world where the GOP still accurately assessed Trump and he remained in the clown car of POTUS candidates like all his previous runs. Trump is going to support, oh, Tim Scott? That’s laughable.
Yeah, when the GOP screwed over Ron Paul in 2012 was when I realized they're more interested in self-preservation than anything else.
What a bunch of DAs. I’m still registered as Democrat and I’m rather conservative, which is like being a fish out of the water. At one time I thought about changing to Pub. Stuff like this says run away, run away fast. I guess I’ll ride off into the sunset and remain a political oxymoron. Lol
OR.... OR.... The public elects non Maga or non QUANON GOP lunatics not bent on totalitarian rule by crooked despots or returning the culture to the Middle Ages. (Looking at you Christo Nazis). Just a thought.
It feels more like a press on Trump to not blow up the GOP. Also, doesn’t mean “vote”. Article says just to endorse and not run as an independent.
The most believable thing about this is that if the D’s did indeed hire a squad of actors to play a deceased Joe Biden, they would almost certainly hire ones who fall and refuse to memorize their lines.
Chris Christie tackles it head on… “I’m going to take the pledge just as seriously as Donald Trump took it in 2016.”
I never hear them asked how Trump can run for a third term if he's been the actual president this whole time. I'd also ask them why Trump allowed inflation to happen on his watch. The list is endless. Do you think this people believe this stuff or not?
Some believe JFK is still alive and believe it so intently they are willing to stand in Dealey Plaza for days waiting for his return. Some believe Democrats drink baby blood - one of them so fervently he was willing to shoot up a pizzeria looking for a non-existent basement where the practice was said to occur. She seemed sincere. It’s a big ol’ goofy world.