Florida Supreme Court about to stick another knife in his back by finding the Florida Constitution doesn’t actually assert a right to privacy. That should cost him another 2-3%. More in the General (which thanks to himself), he’ll never sniff
He’s not just killing his 2024 chances, IMO he’s killing any chance on the National stage. Being an arrogant 1 trick pony don’t sell.
waiting or not is irrelevant at this point. Trump would have beaten him either way but now he’s just embarrassing himself. Amazing what the GOP has become.
First, Des needs to understand he is not competing with a candidate, but a cult leader. Des is trying to be a mini-Trump without the legal woes, but totally lacks Trump's cult charisma. Until Des understands this, he will continue down the path of national appeal self-destruction.
Pretty much every poll hasn’t even polled enough people to even be useful. But the MSM wants Trump because of ratings so they will go along with posting polls that have as little as 245 person sample size. As of a few months ago I won’t vote for DeSantis after he moved the abortion issue in Florida to 6 weeks. At no point would I ever consider voting for trump. Some people have standards, something you obviously don’t understand. The RNC’s debate plans have a major, largely unnoticed problem
The right to privacy is express in the constitution. And it was passed by the voters in a toke when it was construed to include the Roe abortion paradigm. Which is a fundamental rule of construction of a law. What I expect are several alternatives, including: a) “whatever the contours of the right to privacy, it doesn’t include abortion rights. Roe was wrong and out chases were wrong.” Or: “while the Florida constitution recognizes a right to privacy and has been constructed to include abortion rights, nothing in the constitution requires the Roe paradigm. Like other rights in Florida, the right is subject to legislative enactment.”
How will the Court explain the express verbiage in Article I, Section 23 of the Florida Constitution?
I like Haley on most issues but she has no chance except to be VP unfortunately. But if you put a gun to my head I would pick DeSantis over trump every time.
Not that I’d vote for either of them, but I’d take the twice impeached, document stealing, insurrection starting, race dividing former President Donald Trump over Ron Desantis any day. That’s how much I don’t like the guy. I don’t have to even think about it or hesitate. I’m my view, Trump just kind of foments and encourages bad things in people that were already there. Desantis, in contrast, invents new and improved ways to be a d***.
I am a staunch Never Trumper. But I would vote for Trump over the embarrassing and disgraceful DeSantis every time, with vomit covering my ballot.
The MSM wants Trump because of the ratings? Let me guess - that's why they're doing all these glowing stories about him? And the media also wants him to win the general election ... for the ratings?
There about to affirm the 6 week abortion ban which is unconstitutional due to the right to privacy in Floridas constitution
Current DeSantis fan, he could always run a better campaign, I think every candidate can say that. I think his campaigns are particularly unimpressive for me. His strength with me is his record. What's hurting him more than anything is the turning of Trump into a martyr. Good luck competing with that.
It’s all about money. If you haven’t noticed media companies are purging money. So yes, it is in the MSM’s best interests to push trump. He is good for ratings(that is the extent of his usefulness).
I understand what you're saying. But let me repeat the questions: Do you think the media is doing lots of positive stories about Trump (and few negative ones) in order to promote his candidacy? Did they do that in 2016 and 2020? Do you think they'll push him over Biden in the general?
Like him or not Ron is attractive to many core conservatives. Sadly he seems to model himself after the criminal and traitor. Perhaps if he remembered that we are all Americans and would place emphasis on programs to help a majority of Americans instead of playing culture wars he could get himself elected. But I think he has already blundered any chance at the GOP nomination.
I have a far more cynical view. Trump was such a polarizing ass hat that the media was more than willing to keep the great traitor and thief at the front of the news cycle because: It makes money. Terrible!