Um, he was born rich and famous, so what’s a po boy to do? Become the most powerful person in the world or what?
If he really wanted to be president, he had better strategies IMO than running as an anti-vax Democrat against an Dem incumbent after Covid - particularly when even Trump and DeSantis touted the vaccine (at times). Trump admitted it has been politically awkward. I guess Kennedy’s shot at the WH is Biden being taken out by health, Kennedy winning the nomination and then beating Trump or DeSantis. If this is his political chess, I have probably overestimated him.
Much of what he says here about illegal immigration, I have heard said by a close acquaintance of mine who has been to the border and worked there 5 times over the last 4 years.
If he wasn’t a Kennedy, he would just be a loony crackpot. He is a conspiracy theory addled moran. There are worse choices out there but there are so so many better ones. We survived 4 years of trump. I think we need to go a couple more election cycles before going with another nut job.
Today, the only possible way anyone can say that “vaccines don’t cause autism” is if they completely ignore the data showing it does. You cannot say, “I don’t believe the opposing data is correct.” You have to say why. You cannot say, “I ignored the opposing data.” You have to say why. They are ignoring the opposing data and refusing to say why. That is not how science works. Why can't we talk about the evidence that vaccines cause autism and other "untouchable" topics?
Maybe because the issue has been discussed ad infinitum and there is no evidence that the narrative is valid. Vaccines Did Not Cause Rachel's Autism | Hopkins Press
Vaccines Did Not Cause Rachel's Autism | Hopkins Press Ironically from the guy who refuses to debate JFK Jr.
Paraphrasing what Hotez said in a recent interview, the reason that he refuses to debate RFK, Jr (JFK, Jr died in a plane crash although a certain group of QAnon types believe that he really didn't die and will run as Trump's running mate in 2024) Hotez debated RFK, Jr in the past and it's difficult to have a serious debate with an opponent who makes up "facts" as he goes along.
You may want to click on the link below and note that it's from Forbes not exactly a left-wing media organ. Why Peter Hotez Should Not Debate RFK Jr. On The Joe Rogan Experience
Bears repeating … Today, the only possible way anyone can say that “vaccines don’t cause autism” is if they completely ignore the data showing it does. You cannot say, “I don’t believe the opposing data is correct.” You have to say why. You cannot say, “I ignored the opposing data.” You have to say why.
It's a humanitarian crisis and a national security threat. I could have the largest bleeding heart in the world and having an open border would still be a non sequitir.
My aquantence has told their employer they won't go back due to the trauma experienced while there. RFK JR was told that 6 border patrol agents have committed suicide. I appreciated him going there to stay long enough to find out the reality, not for a PR trip. The border needs to be shut down and only legal immigrants allowed in. We just need the will to do it but most of us are too far removed from it to make the logical choice needed.
How would you do that? Serious question, not snark. No physical barrier has any meaning. Cartels have tunneled under walls in California for decades. Predator drones have patrolled the skies along the Arizona border for decades. None of that has had a meaningful impact. That babbling idiot in video had no answers either. In fact, short of using the United States Army and having them dig in along the entire 2200 mile stretch of our southern border and shoot and kill anyone attempting to breach the border line like a 70's era European Communist country, I have no idea how you accomplish it. Also, how come no one flies into Canada and crosses our norther border illegally? Could it be that this problem has more to do with the government of the nation bordering our country, and not the US government??
It has to be a multible approach. There are places a physical barrier works and should be expanded. Different types of sensors are very effective at detecting human movment even below ground, so tunnelling would be detected. A ground trip thru Mexico for the number of people migrating across is easier then making the trip to Canada, then crossing south into the USA. And yes, the Mexican gov is corrupt and probably being paid by the cartels that are trafficking people across the border.