15 seconds into the video, "Nobody knows who these idiots are." Somebody call that douche and let him know that the case has been solved, they are "Commie Progs." Good work, detective.
I think the most important point of that video is that people at the patriot rally chased away the masked guys telling them to get their racist garbage out of there.
Sigh, Propaganda and mind control at work. Me thinks tinfoil amplifies instead of blocking. It amazes me the number of folks that still listen to Dan. He was okay when he started, but went Glenn Beck a long time ago. We actually had good DM conversations way back, then……..
Why are they covering their faces, if they were supposedly among folks of like mind? Oh, those are Proud Boys wearing masks? They must be ultra secret, double-agent, leftist, right‐wing feds.
81M people in this country either hate Trump, Trumpism or Trumpers. The number is probably higher than that now. I know this fact ignites your cognitive dissonance so go soothe yourself with another 2K Mules viewing and send your felon boy Dinesh some cash. You'll feel better.
Was behind a pickup truck this morning with "2000 mules" spray painted across the tailgate. lol Also, can you still call yourself a "proud" boy if you cover your face? Seems like they aren't very proud at all.
If the Democratic party had this much control, Trump would not have been allowed to win and take office in 2016, ultimately resulting in the change of the makeup of the Court. If the Democrats had this level of control, why didn't they stop Republicans from taking back the House? Are they just letting Republicans win some to make it all look more legit?
While this is off-topic, in a way it isn't. These are both attempts by you to deal with cognitive dissonance. You love America, but a huge number of Americans stated that they don't like your politics to the tune of an unprecedented turnout. Those two facts are uncomfortable. As such, it must be fraud! You identify with the political right, but don't view yourself as racist. But racists also identify on the political right. As such, it must be people faking it!
We're not laughing. Were shaking our heads , looking at each other, and wondering how anyone can be so stupid.
Fair point. I gave too much credit. Yall are too mad to laugh. Which is ironic, given how many times I was accused of being mad in the other thread I started this morning (Ie projection).
You didn't really get educated at the U of F, not possible. With that level of thought you would not have made it through the ninth grade at Athens Junior High.
Not gonna link became PF is among the very worst of a disgusting collection, but their own homepage has no fewer than three separate images of masked members. How they get people to out themselves is much more mysterious than Hunter showing up at the meetings or whatever point it is Bongino is attempting to make.
This shit always makes me laugh. If the Democratic Party, en masse, was competent and effective enough to pull off the biggest voter fraud in history, without leaving any traceable evidence and with no one spilling the beans, after being subject to literally dozens of partisan investigations…. Well damn maybe we should just be happy such effective people are in charge? but honestly, we know they aren’t that effective so if you really believe the stolen election bullshit then yes you are worth laughing at.