"Patriot Front" UNMASKED By Real Patriots, Squirms Away Bongino points out (rhetorically)--why are they covering their faces, if they were supposedly among folks of like mind? It appears fostering the Left's narrative that the Right is so racist, apparently requires manufacturing pretend bad guys, and planting them among their targeted groups. ...kinda' like Putin running smack about Ukraine being fascist.... Could Vlady be the Left's inspiration? I wonder how much of this crap has been going on, and for how long....
Maybe slightly off-topic but just keep this in mind when reading anything from Dan Bongino. Dan Bongino leads the MAGA field in stolen-election messaging I guess if you believe that the election was stolen from Trump you can also believe that lefties are posing as white supremacists. Edit: Not completely off-topic since it goes directly to the credibility of the source.
Yeah, well me and 80% of the GOP believe your chicom puppet party stole the election and planted the senile empty suit POS puppet in the white house (we just haven't been able to figure out how the hell they pulled it off). I don't buy that that 80 million ppl (like 20 million more than Barack Obama--yeah...okay!) voted for that half dead buffoon any more than I bought the magic bat shitting on a wet market--that just happened to be in the same town as the chicom's biowarfare virolab was, out of mere coinkydinky--was the origin of Covid 19, rather than the said biolab... So go ahead, and laugh at us... We're laughing at y'all as well. ...such is life in 21st century USA...
False flag operations happen on both sides from both sides. To pretend otherwise is to declare yourself no better than a team cheerleader Yay team.. score more points!
@92gator You, and Bongino, nailed it. Dude was outed and wanted no part of it. Reminds me of the Scooby Doo episodes of my childhood, where the removal of the mask reveals the guilty party. Only thing missing was the line "I would've gotten away with it if not for you pesky kids (conservatives)."
I'm sure there are some false flags in protests like these. But lots of Patriot Front members have been arrested and identified. Pretty sure none of those have been outed at 'commie progs.' As far as the two or three guys in the video, do any of us have any idea whether they're left, right or whatever?
The election wasn’t stolen. That you and 80% of the GOP believe it is stolen is consistent with human history. Your belief doesn’t make it fact. Let’s take one theory: the Dominion voting machines. Do you think FOX pays $700 million for an easily proven theory that the machines changed votes? And all those pesky hand recounts and audits.
Maybe. But this is also the same crowd that went for months saying Jan 6 was Antifa. Some still say it.
Even though we know who it was, from video, charges, pleas and convictions. Alex Jones had quite the following. Some people are really that stupid. Like the election deniers.
I watched the video ... he spent 3 minutes hypothesizing that the people covering their faces are secret liberals ... offered no evidence ... can't understand why people expressing racists ideas would cover their faces... never heard of the KKK ... etc...
The delusion that 80% of the right agree's with you is only slightly less damaging than the election was stolen delusion. Get a grip. If you want to follow the loser to another lost election that's your choice. Remember that it enables another 4 years of what we have right now.
Just out of curiosity, are you among the contributors to the defeated former president's various defense funds?
Pretty sure those were “proud boys”. Maybe those guys were trying to infiltrate their little gathering? Not very inconspicuous to go in wearing masks if the other guys (the proud boys) knew each other and it was a planned gathering. But even if that’s the case, not sure what makes them “commies”. They could have been wannabe proud boy’s who just didn’t want their faces shown. Can’t really determine either way. But I do know the proud boys are by no means patriots, it’s an alt-right criminal gang.
I don't doubt that there are moles in such groups but unlikely on a mass scale. We heard allegations of the J6 folks being Feds before those same people became American civilian patriots whom Biden is keeping as political prisoners. Hiding their faces isn't new either. The guys at events such as Charlottesville are in the closet and risk losing their jobs and maybe some family members if they're exposed.