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UF to Hire Architect for $400 million Renovation to Ben Hill Griffin Stadium

Discussion in 'RayGator's Swamp Gas' started by Gator Mike, Jul 3, 2023.

  1. Skink

    Skink GC Hall of Fame

    Absolutely not
    • Wish I would have said that Wish I would have said that x 1
  2. Skink

    Skink GC Hall of Fame

    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. Wanne15

    Wanne15 GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 18, 2015
    I can’t stand them.I’m 6’3” and it’s so small I can’t really get on it good. I feel like I’m sitting in a kindergarten chair. I’m only 175 so I’m not fat, I’m just too long.
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
  4. oragator1

    oragator1 Hurricane Hunter Premium Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    There was a good interview with SS on floridagators.com.
    There is a ton in this reno that people don’t even think about. There isn’t a single cooking oven on the entire site, food from game days has to be trucked in cooked. Once they built condron it has some capability and they moved it over there. Bathrooms are inadequate proportionally, the number of vendors proportionately is awful among other things. He did say they hope to keep capacity above 80k, but much of the reno is infrastructure.
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
    • Informative Informative x 1
  5. Crusher

    Crusher GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 19, 2007
    I haven't studied the entire athletic department but I guess the main reason I distrust the process is because they just aren't Gators. Stricklin, a lot of his administrators, etc., didn't grow up cheering at Florida Field. They can't really know what the stadium means to generations of Gators. They see it only as a means of generating revenue and what changes could maximize that.
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  6. RayGator

    RayGator Administrator Emeritus

    Apr 3, 2007
    Lakeland, Florida USA.
    I like that! :)
  7. RayGator

    RayGator Administrator Emeritus

    Apr 3, 2007
    Lakeland, Florida USA.
    When I remember what the old, old basketball building was like, I sure liked the O’Dome !
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. Wanne15

    Wanne15 GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 18, 2015
    The food is pretty sad and the lines are so long you’d miss a quarter if you were desperate enough to stand in a line.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  9. RayGator

    RayGator Administrator Emeritus

    Apr 3, 2007
    Lakeland, Florida USA.
    And I’d like to see an excellent, big Handicap seating area with good elevators. :)
    • Like Like x 4
    • Agree Agree x 2
  10. MarineG8R

    MarineG8R GC Hall of Fame

    Nov 19, 2014
    But I don’t like

    • Funny Funny x 4
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Gatorrick22

    Gatorrick22 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    One thing that can be a mistake in all this....

    Huge architecture projects, in all massive builds around the world, offer several design proposals from several design firms... If we have one then we already got possibly jobbed... the more the merrier, IMHO.
  12. KronoGator

    KronoGator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 10, 2007
    They would just raise prices to offset it, teams today (college and pro) only want deep pockets in the place, the people trying for the cheap sets are no longer wanted.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  13. Crusher

    Crusher GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 19, 2007
    Which is part of the calculus of why they don't mind decreasing seating. Also the fact that attendance has been dwindling is a reason. I get almost daily messages from the football office imploring me to buy ticket packages and I already have season tickets and the season is less than 2 months away.

    Problem is, they have seemed to ignore one of the biggest reasons that attendance has fallen: putting a product on the field that can compete with anyone.
    • Winner Winner x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. WC53

    WC53 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 17, 2015
    Old City
    Tickets priced per pound
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. always_and_forever_uf

    always_and_forever_uf GC Legend

    Jun 20, 2022
    I LOVE BHG EXACTLY as it is. I get that change is inevitable, but at what price? The mystique we have at BHG is unique today.

    The cement, peeling paint, metal benches, 100 degree heat, 95 percent humidity, walking up Lemerand to our shrine, blazing sun in early September, torrential storm during game, the glorious noise, stopping UT Knoxville on 3rd down and forcing a punt, I love it like that.

    As have many here, I have taken various guests "who wanted a taste of Gator Country" to these types of games. I told them beforehand what to expect (the searing elements), a lot of walking in intense heat and humidity, and that this is who we are at UF and this is what we do. THIS is a homefield advantage like no other. "Well, if you ain't a Florida Gator, then you ain't gonna' understand it, ever," I told a few of 'em who looked at me like I was gone mad.

    Hahahahahaha. I LOVE our BHG shrine. I cannot wait to do this in 2.5 months when UT Knoxville enters Gator Country. I am praying for heat, humidity, storms, blazing sun, sweat and the "gameday experience" of forcing UTK to punt to the raucous, triumphant adulation of all my great UF brothers and sisters.

    It Is Great To Be A Florida Gator!!
    • Winner Winner x 6
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    • Best Post Ever Best Post Ever x 1
  16. filamg8torfan

    filamg8torfan GC Hall of Fame

    Mar 17, 2019
    Don't like it. Looks like à snake from this view.
  17. Gator Mike

    Gator Mike All American

    Apr 10, 2007
    For what it's worth, that is the Bursa Timsah Arena, located in Bursa, Turkey and is home to Bursaspor of the Turkish Second Division. "Timsah" is Turkish for "crocodile", so the place is literally named The Crocodile Arena.

    The picture does make me wonder if some sort of Teflon roof would be possible in Gainesville.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  18. Skink

    Skink GC Hall of Fame

    I’m not a fan of Ben & Jerry’s either :D
    • Agree Agree x 3
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. locomotion

    locomotion Junior

    Oct 23, 2018
    • I just hope they don't figure out a way to jam pack the space with more ads or sell the naming rights to pay for it all.
    • As far as creature comforts are concerned if you want the NFL experience go to an NFL game.
    • College football experience should cater to college kids not little kids or old men that want a lazy boy and a large screen TV
    • Don't sell the naming rights to pay for turning a college gem into a corporate entertainment experience
    How to make it better for free
    • Allow reentry
    • Allow the fans to have whatever cheers they want (Dragnet was great)
    • Less piped in music, more time for the bands
    • Winner Winner x 4
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    • Agree Agree x 1