AGAIN, NO. I am dead set against criminally prosecuting the guy. Please re-read my posts. I may have judged him a bit harshly (POS), but I was never on board with criminal prosecution. He didn't DO anything to be criminally charged for, imho; but what he didn't do, was what he signed up to do. He froze. While kids were getting shot and killed. ....and he had a state issued fire arm on him, training, and authority to use it.
I'm generally against the death penalty due to innocents getting executed. I like listening to the work of The Innocence Project. I think it should be saved for when things are plainly cut and dry. This is one of those cases. Off that dude. He doesn’t deserve to live. Any school shooter that is 100% identified and guilty should face the firing squad. Will it prevent anything in the future? I don't know. I have my doubts.
This is Rational People Talk. Me and you, yes, deterred by fatal consequences to actions. A dude who goes to a mall to kill anybody he sees is no longer in that reality. It isn’t like they’re traveling to states where the death penalty isn’t an option. Texas is in fact “#1.” And TBC, I am not actually 100% against the death penalty. Not sure that a person who has exited reality in this manner is redeemable. Or able to coexist. But it a near certainty that people have been railroaded to state sponsored murder. There is no wiggle room for that, to me. It is a stone-cold fact that innocent people go to prison regularly. So I don’t trust a system that is sooo wrong sooo often. Also agree that I can cook up no empathetic rationale, or even academic, for a stone-cold mass murderer. I do not believe a society is morally or ethically weaker for literally killing them. It is arguably more cruel to put them in permahell prison.
A single school resource officer isn’t going to protect kids from a motivated mass shooter, unless he just happens to see the perp approach and is able to get the jump on him before the massacre starts... some luck is required to stop it early. Like that guy who moved in on the mall shooter and got the jump on him from the side before he would have done more damage, but that happened outdoors (and guy seemed like a really good shot too). Once the mass shooter is inside the confined space of school hallways and opening fire it’s already over, tactically speaking. Hell, in Uvaide you had a swat team not engage into the classroom, and they had all the training and equipment this guy didn’t. That didn’t make them any braver. The guy should probably be “let go” for his cowardice and not following protocol to at least advance and try to figure out the source of gunfire, but I think that should be the extent of the vitriol. The way they went after this guy like it was all his fault was insane. School resource officers almost always tended to be “soft” cops, they just expect to break up fights and handle minor incidents. If we want schools to have a chance at engaging against semi-auto rifles, then you need to have a small swat team at the ready, not a semi-retired cop who’d probably never taken incoming fire in his life.
Agreed. This guy is not the problem. I’m a teacher and a gun owner. I’m the only one in the fam not military. Army, Marines, and Navy. Apparently I was AF. But I could hit a curve ball. So instead I became the only college graduate. A dude armed to the teeth with superior gear also gained the tactical high ground. Expecting this guy to roll up on that is just not real. If he had, I would be forever impressed. But that he didn’t: THAT was the problem of the day? Not even close. It’s a redirect. And it worked, again. And letting me bring my Mossberg or .357 to work? And now you expect ME to stop this maniac? I just recently got the triple black Air Max 95’s so that I can fool most people into thinking I’m wearing “business” shoes. I had to go 25% at the kickball game on the last day because I was worried I’d literally run out of my work pants or button-up shirt and be Famous Forever. I also have to diligently think about EVERY LAST THING I ever bring into that room. There are 125 kids in there weekly. Lunch, scissors, balls, glue, tape…every last item is death for some kid, or death by some kid. But I’ll have a gun in there? What kind? Where? And what else, including time? Think about what I would REALLY need to defend us. It’s ridiculous that arming teachers is being thrown out as a “solution.” This guy didn’t have to track scissors in his room. And I’m def the best BB player in the Science Department, and it ain’t close. I even brought the appropriate clothes to show out today. Oh wait, Giannis just entered the gym, fully prepped? Oh well, I guess I’ll go down there and stomp his shit out. He messed up, we all have basketballs in the room son!
This stinks of punishing someone for the sake of punishing. Let's punish whomever we can because something terrible happened. This is exactly why I have little confidence in the justice system.