I have a flag on my house and another on my mantle from an uncle I never met but compelling it’s display seems to cheapen an expression imo. The development brags it is “where freedom lives” while compelling this political speech. I Would never live there. The housing community that will require ‘patriots’ to fly the US flag | North Carolina | The Guardian There will be even more flags. This development, which the company has described as “where freedom lives”, is for homeowners 55 and older. And not just any homeowners: “patriots” who will be required to fly the US flag on their properties, on a pole provided and maintained by the subdivision. Each 1776 community (Fankhauser plans on more) will also donate a home with no mortgage, free of cost, to a wounded veteran through the nonprofit Building Homes for Heroes. I believe there is a strong public policy against requiring someone to espouse a particular political view, and I can’t help but think that is different from telling someone to simply keep silent,” said Taylor. “In my opinion, there is a real risk that the covenant requiring someone to fly a particular flag would be contrary to the public policy of the state of North Carolina and invalid.”
We are so close to the Repbli-ban turning this country into a modern day 1939 Germany. We are about one Goose-Step away.
Kind of hilarious to proclaim your development as "where freedom lives" while also compelling people in your development to fly a flag. Not exactly promoting freedon.
Paragraph 2 subsection a. Nazi, three %, don’t tread on me and RWDS flags are acceptable substitutes.
Seems tacky/excessive, I like my HOA to have 1 big American flag on display and maybe another at the golf clubhouse. Every home flying individual flags gets tacky imo, and that’s why the vast majority of HOA’s actually do not allow flagpoles. But as a new development I suppose an HOA can start out with those covenants and people can buy in (or not buy in) to the idea of flagpoles. I actually don’t see the flagpoles as a big deal if it’s like that from day 1. Ignoring the flagpoles, it’s actually the “patriot test” or whatever they are talking about that seems crazier to me, like coded discrimination. People might want to think twice about joining an HOA that gets to “approve” resales. This community is already 55+. But you also have to be “super patriot” 55+? Good luck with those covenants when boomers start dying off en masse lmao.
Meh Those that move there know ahead of time what they are getting into. If they don’t like it.. don’t move there. I personally would not like it. I fly a flag at all my homes… if my own FREE will. For me.. it’s a nonstory. Just a neighborhood built and market d to a segment of society. Not surprising, some posters would rather make up crap and spin the dialog even further a field. They just stir the pot and Dan the flames. Too be expected.
skip the compulsory bullshit. If you want to display a flag, go for it. If not, that's fine too. you know... freedom of choice.
HOA’s do require compulsory things though. Recently had to pay $500 for a new mailbox because the community decided the old mailboxes (which were also standard) were out of style (or something, they appeared 100% fine to me). So the entire community put in brand new mailboxes.
Wut? No patriotic American is considering it. We are free to ridicule the idea as we like. Don’t read it if that bothers you.
What if it were to become a trend, though? Perhaps it's a way for some to get that divided nation they seek, but would that really be best for all? Should this lead to communities requiring pride flags or communities requiring Confederate flags, etc? The whole "don't like it, go somewhere else" mentality is counter to the founding principles of the U.S.A. imo.