The cop is reportedly under detention and is being investigated. I don't know what the standard is for pulling people over and whether they had sufficient cause for the stop. But I'd be surprised if the cop is found to have been justified in using lethal force against a kid if he wasn't armed and wasn't trying to run the cop over - and it didn't look like that type of situation to me.
Suspect had already used the car as a potential deadly weapon by refusing to pull over in the beginning of the traffic stop and leading police on a chase. Hence, the police officer having his gun drawn and pointing right at the suspect for a good while before suspect tried speeding off again, which threw the police officer backwards and would have been a serious threat to other drivers on the very busy street if another chase ensued. Perhaps @homer can chime in as to how American police would generally have to handle this situation.
It actually wasn’t Guillotin that invented it. He just advocated for its use to the French bigwig as a more humane way to administer capital punishment.
Yeah, now you can relax as they’re strapping you in. Reminds me of a true tale from the Revolution. A priest, a doctor, and an engineer are all in line for the guillotine. They strap the priest in and throw the lever, but the blade shrieks to a halt half way down. The crown gasps. The Committee representative declares, “He must be a true man of God! Let him live!” And the crowd cheers. Then they strap the doctor in, throw the lever … and again the blade fails to fall. The representative declares, “He is a physician! He is meant to save lives! Let him live!” And the crowd cheers. Then they start to march the engineer up the steps. He takes a quick look at the guillotine and says to the representative, “Oh, I see what your problem is …” (It’s funnier if you can do the French accent)
Not sure if the cop is going to take the position that he was struck with the vehicle or had to move to avoid being struck. The video I saw wasn't very clear to me, but it appeared the cop was on the side of the car and not in the path. The passenger's reported version of events sounds different than some of what's been said online. I guess we will see how the investigation unfolds. This seems like a good example of a situation where it would be helpful to have body cam footage. I don't know if that exists here or not. I did see an article indicating that they were supposed to be standard for French police as of a couple years ago. I don't know if that happened or not. It would certainly be very helpful to figuring out exactly what happened.
Give humanity a little credit! We came up with a clever machine to cut people’s heads off long before the 17th century.
January 6th MAGA Insurrectionists were just innocent lost tourists asking Capitol police for directions.
I would say if the cop was already leaning on and using the the front side windshield for support, he was clearly in the path of the vehicle. Something can only hit your windshield if it’s in your path. That the driver actually felt giddy enough to speed off as the cop was pointing his weapon through that windshield gives you some perspective as to the type of individual we are dealing with here. At very worst, the driver is calling the cop’s bluff as weapon was clearly pointed at him for several seconds beforehand. As with most of these stories, I’m confident we’re not getting all the details from the media. I’ll do a little digging to see if I can find more.
Based on this, the police officer did nothing illegal under French law: French Police Won Authority to Shoot at Drivers, but Got ‘No Training Whatsoever’
I can only tell you that I would most likely have let him go without a shot. Other cops I’ve known would cap his ass. No one knows what occurred earlier and how you would react until you have to.
Are the French becoming MAGA Republicans ? Whom Do French People Blame for the Rioting? – The Daily Sceptic