It was really just a matter of time before they took this route. Thank God we've got a news organization to give this huge story the attention it deserves! White House report signals openness to manipulating sunlight to prevent climate change
Why o' why, dear moderator, would you start a thread on Too Hot that involves science and the government? "viruses the sun doesn't exist" comments to start in 3, 2, 1...
I think the key point is the government is studying it, not implementing it. Some on this thread will undoubtedly confuse the two. The law of unintended consequences weighs heavily on this approach to mitigating rising temperatures. The earth does love its ice ages.
Reminds me of the old "Polack" joke (insert any group you want to offend here): The Americans went to the moon - that's NOTHING! We are going to go to the sun! Won't you burn up in going? Hah! Idiot! We'll go at night!
Since the earthy is flat wouldn’t it be easier to turn it upside down an hour a day? Or for whatever time is needed to cool it down.
Science seems interesting, but sounds like a bad idea with no control. It can be done unilaterally by zealots. Sounds like a WME (weapon of mass extinction). I suspect the “study” is really to determine how hard is this to do, and which countries have the capabilities to launch a particle blocker into the atmosphere.. This study is not being done for benevolent purposes.
Well it’s not really gravity. It’s this: Evangelical Scientists Refute Gravity With New 'Intelligent Falling' Theory
This was actually a plot point for one of the episodes of Extrapolations series on Apple TV (not bad)