Strange that you are wording it so indirectly. That is why I asked you directly whether a person is born gay or whether they become gay (and not just a person with same sex attraction) when they engage in a particular behavior.
I don't understand the difference. Doesnt being attracted to the same sex make you gay. People are born gay. My religious view on the deeper meaning of what natures we are all born with is for another day. But yes. I believe people are born gay. No one chooses who they feel attraction to.
So, this has poked my bear. I don’t have much interest in the “liar” argument. I will attempt to placate by saying: 1) I can’t agree with Tilly on almost anything but Tilly has always disagreed with me respectfully. I can’t think of a time I was insulted, including the fact that you would have to turbo charge your DoingTooMuch engine to pull that off. 2) Receipts have been brung. The case is strong. Also, from posters who have also always been respectful and thoughtful. But what has buzzed my tower is the “born” idea. Why is that necessary? Why can’t you choose that? FTR, I do not doubt it is inherent. What I am proposing is that if you are a true adherent of freedom, what does this matter? Born this way, just decided today. Might switch tomorrow. Who are you to condemn any of this?
@Sohogator apologies for asking for the deletion. Context is key and by no means do I try to keep my kids away from anyone at this point, but in that conversation about Disney and my girls in their younger days, I did say that in that instance for that scenario. So I assume that is what you remembered. It is not my general pov in everyday life however for the record. And also I dont consider same sex attraction to be a behavior. Also for the record.
Yes that’s what I recalled. As I said I disengage generally wrt to religion as people have the right to believe what they want. The only exception is overtly bigoted speech that in my mind inflicts damage on others and when religion crosses over to political behavior that threatens to infringe on my beliefs and how I may or may not conduct my life.
You realize that everyone has political behavior that infringes on another's beliefs though right? And that all those beliefs can can infringe on how someone lives their lives? Otherwise, no need to vote. We would all be the same and support the same things. And I hardly consider an isolated conversation stating that I dont want my young girls to have to encounter a large hairy man in a dress at a place that they expect to see pretty fairy princesses as "overt bigotry". I mean do you let your kids go to a Jehovah's Witness camp if invited? I certainly would not let mine. Does that make us bigots? That doesnt mean uou wouldnt allow them around a Jehovah's Witness. But under certain specific instances we would. Nuances have to be allowed to exist or we have lost our way.