It's kind of incredible how y'all manage to prove wgbg right when he said cops like inflicting violence on people. Disgusting behavior from a thug in a badge.
Love some of his quotes "He chose to die, we accommodated him" "When he started shooting we started shooting, when he stopped shooting we were still shooting"
I know him. He’s very charming. He’s known as “Hollywood Grad” because of his love of the camera. He claims to be a Christian, but commits one of the worst sins: pride. Still, he’s a good sheriff. He just needs to curb that pride by keeping his mouth shut.
He certainly injects a number of opinions in his description of the events. To the story, though, it's good that the woman was saved, the LEO was not killed, and the perp was made accountable.
not rhetorical, but is he a good sheriff?? Yes, cops are sometimes required to kill criminals. him bragging about killing seems like a very simplistic, populist message. And a “charming” politician and public figures goes back centuries.
Meh He killed an animal. He killed a gun before that guy could inflict anymore harm. I’m not bothered by it in the least.