A (mostly) cool story about a young boy and his mom having a successful lemonade stand, what it did for him, the scrutiny it got from the state, and the growth it had, MSN
Haven't read story yet, but I did pass lemonade stand last week and the kids were asking for $2 a cup. Damn you Biden!!
I can almost picture in my mind what the Karen that turned her in looks like. Bama Tshirt and all. Probably related to Tammy from Finebaum. Whats wrong with people?
My 10 year old son and his friend made a lemonade stand last week. Countrytime. They charged $1 per cup, and made $60 in an hour or so. They definitely earned more in tips than lemonade. Several people just gave them $2-5 without wanting any lemonade in return. His friend proudly noted how they made more than most adults in an hour. I agreed but also noted they won’t always be so cute. I didn’t let them in on this, but in fact that train is going to leave station in 2-3 years.