Thanks, I didn't realize that. It speaks to yet another problem with the criminal justice system, but there may be no cheap & easy way to rid the world of the most depraved.
Only if you let it drag out. This is a textbook case of a monster. This should have been handled and finished before January 1, 2019 (honestly long before that). a case like this. It should have already been handled. There is no reason we should be deciding his mental state. Anyone doing something this evil is screwed up.
He will most likely be kept in some sort of hybrid solitary confinement unit where his interaction with other inmates is extremely limited, now want to make his life a living hell put him in gen-pop he won't last a month in there
Cops have shown time and time again that their training is all about protecting themselves. That's why so many start blasting away at innocent people within seconds of arriving, usually after misinterpreting a situation. This cop not running into a building to take on a maniac with an AR15 is not the least bit surprising. He has zero interest in protecting the public when it could cost him his own life.
I don't blame the guy. The 2nd amendment has failed this country in unimaginable ways. That's the problem. This guy doesn't get paid well enough to go get himself killed. We live in a shithole country.
I'll stay away from the absolutes myself. I'm not going to crap on the cops that in fact have charged in to shooting events because of cowards like this guy or the Uvalde embarrassment.
I agree I don’t expect cops to play hero no matter the situation. I do expect them not to kill beat or rob suspects and innocent people alike. I do expect them not to cover up for those who do.
Didn’t even know they brought criminal charges against that guy, what a preposterous prosecution. It’s one thing when well equipped cops do nothing (Uvalde), but people seriously expected this old fart to go solo against a shooter armed with a semi-auto rifle? I mean it’s one thing to say he was a coward or whatever for taking cover, but truly he was not equipped for the situation, and to assign him with even one bit of blame is pathetic. I think in that situation almost any school resource officer would wait for backup in much the same way. Expecting a 60 year old school resource officer to perform that function is nutso. The prosecutors on that ought to be recalled imo. I just find it crazy because cops do all sorts of cowardly things which endanger the lives of civilians. Usually it comes in the form of excessive force. Maybe this guy should have just sprayed some bullets into the general area of the shooter, maybe he’d accidentally kill a few more kids, but hey he’d be “doing” something…
And what's really bizarre is the main charges against him were "felony child neglect"... for a layperson like me, that seems like an extreme stretch from what those types of laws normally cover. I mean, does that law means I have risk my own life to save someone's else kids from a person who is actually causing the danger?
Case in point. Cops like these dont deserve to be judged by actions of others. Sickening hearing those shots knowing what is happening at that time.