Maybe that was one of Prigo's conditions for his sudden discontinuing of the March to Moscow, a change in Russia's military leadership?
Russian troops face purge and punishment What a way to fight a war that has gone swimmingly to this point. The world continues to quake at Russian military prowess.
Russian soldiers, We shall place you in the dunking chair, if you survive 15 minutes submerged, you will be judged pure of spirit to our great leader and will be cleared of all charges. If not, well, tell Satan hello.
they are actually coming out with a new version for abrams, that will be slightly smaller. it should have that ability.
Rhinemetall has a new MBT worth checking out.
Conflicting reports out of Russia whether he was guaranteed change in the ranks or he was told that as Putin had his fingers crossed behind his back. Looks to me like there will be changes made, but not necessarily the specific changes Prigozhin asked for. I think the mercenary groups being reined in was decided a long time ago and nothing has changed in regard to that.
Is it possible Putin used his old schoolmate and the Wagner group to identify those in need of purging?
Another Moscow window victim. No backstory in the Twitter thread. VP of a bank. Obviously a lovely woman
Wow, Banker? She looks like a model. Another Putin header case huh? Mr Prigo better not be hitting Moscow any time soon cause if Putin is throwing quality like that out the window......well Prigo better hope Putin swings in a different direction.
Reportedly, the Russian missile fired on the pizzeria killed two Ukrainian generals, 50 officers and 20 foreign mercenaries. Maybe they were having a BOGO on pizza slices for anyone who’s shot a Russian.