Bullcrap. Many people here share those beliefs with you. Some of my favorite posters in fact. Its amazing you dont see me have the same issues with @l_boy @gatordavisl , @citygator @tampagtr @BLING @gator_lawyer @VAg8r1 @docspor @Gatorhead @BigCypressGator1981 @swampbabe etc. They are amazing posters and I've had back and forth with them for years. My issue isnt your beliefs and positions. Not at all. My issue is your methodology . They don't lob falsehood bombs and run away when called out. You do. Its unfortunate that I let it get under my skin, but I do, and thats on me.
Who on her side is calling her out and which side are they on? I get that you can’t ignore but you can disengage. No offense intended but sometimes you are in fact thin skinned. Its pretty safe to assume that evangelicals think people they disagree with or non Christian’s are going to hell. It’s her opinion and certainly not a lie. I think an apology is merited.
As someone who handles things properly even in disagreement? Its a compliment my friend and I am "justifying" nothing.
Then why wont she say who the mods are? Oh I know, because she made it up. Any poster who has been around here when the topic ever comes up can attest tomy view of hell. Hint: it aint what she is portraying so I am curious who the two mods are.
What words IMMEDIATELY get one in trouble if voiced publicly: Holocaust Deniers N Word Users She KNOWS better! I guess she didn't see herself in the news cycle recently and desired attention.
I was seriously butt hurt when I didn't see my name............ Honestly, I stupidly did not read the entire thread (every page) and was trying to get out of it ASAP! like FAST!! lol. WHOA Be well Tilly, your a good man!
Yes to me it was obviously sarcasm - that was easy to tell. Agree on her whiny passive aggressive election denialism sarcasm. I thought her last comment that it’s a good thing Hollywood is Jewish or else there would only be fishing shows was hilarious.
I will agree that poster often takes abrasive tone, but I think you are way overreacting on this post. Appreciate the kind words, BTW.
I also am no fan of hers, and she shouldn’t have been saying what she was saying on that podcast. Nevertheless, it seems like it was sarcasm.
She seems to be a rather messed up person who made it big and never was comfortable with that. She seems to talk to just raise controversy. In the past she claimed to have been a prostitute, she did an intentionally bad version of the star spangled banner and she does her pro trump, vote miscounted nonsense. She reminds me of some posters on too hot who I have on ignore.
The moment I research anything about Rosanne Barr is the moment I’ll know I’m taking all of this too seriously.
Some of you posting on this thread think Tilly is making too much of what he and I both view as a grossly inaccurate misstatement from JJ. I addressed what she posted and had a brief exchange with her on another thread. Antisemitic rally touring Georgia ↑JJ posted: I responded: "And you apparently believe you must mock "churchy people." Rigid Christians don't feel it's their privilege to condemn others to Hell." They do however, believe they are obligated to warn the unchurched they will face judgment from God when they die. There's a great deal wrong, offensive - with that sort of self righteous attitude. Perhaps begininning with their failure to see their attitudes are offensive and self righteous. Your offensive memes don't help." JJ did not like my post but made no effort to say what part of the post she disliked. Her response was a typical meme. In post #75 I responded to a post JJ made addressed to another poster. This is a portion of that post: jjgator55 said: ↑ LOL! I’m not going to touch that. I already have two mods who believe I’m headed to Hell, and a husband telling me to stop being mean to the right wing posters, so I need to be a little nicer. And my response: I don't know who you think those 'two mods' are but I know for sure one is not me as I think all mention of Hell in the Bible is metaphorical, and I doubt the other is Tilly. You might want to rethink that statement. Your husband sounds like a sensible man. _______________________ So, here we are. I also am curious about the 'two mods' who 'believe' she is headed to hell. Like Tilly, I will not tolerate this sort of misstatement