Yes I knew you weren’t serious about the cow thing, but the man posted three links to people who are or were in positions of power praising fascist dictators, and you were dismissive of it like it didn’t matter. There have always been what you may consider good people who followed evil leaders or a perverted idea, but when good people watch bad things being done and remain silent, then in my opinion they’ve forfeited the title of being a good person and are complicit in the atrocities.
Despite efforts to stop them the Goyim Defense League is growing, and has taken root within evangelical churches as well. Antisemitic GDL network grows larger as violence against Jewish Americans abounds
Dismissive? Did you ignore what I said about the three people? A refresher for you... Do you even try to be accurate? I'll await your latest played out gif that substitutes for your ability to answer the question.
These people cant be Christians AND antisemitic at the same time. Jesus was a Jew. Jesus was their sought after Messiah and they were the chosen people in Scripture to bring us the "king of the Jews" (Jesus Himself). Jesus came "for the Jew first and then also for the Greek" Literally nothing can be more anti-Christian then a hatred of the very physical lifeline of Jesus. These people have been lied to and fooled by the most evil non Christians that exist. The ones who cloak their evil false teachings inside of just enough truth to fool others. Evangelical is a broad term these days and frankly it has been co-opted by an evil faction that uses the church as cover.
This is just my opinion and I’m not trying to argue, but you could have reminded him of what you had already posted but chose to mock his links instead dismissing them.
I know that. In the Washington Post article it said there are some evangelical pastors trying to fight back against it but many remain silent on the issue. On a side note I have had discussions with people who were adamant that Jesus wasn’t a Jew but was the first Christian after converting, and that he didn’t look Middle Eastern but was more European in appearance. Crazy people.
I didn't mock his links. I said that the small number proves nothing. I can find a small number of Biden voters that are extreme socialists/communist, but I still think its useless when some of the right wingers here use those small numbers as some "proof" that the left is run by communists. There are links that say just about anything and bad people that believe just about anything. That isn't a larger indictment on the whole group of people as a larger sum. But funny that the queen of the mocking gif strategy would find what I said to be "mocking".
"Many remain silent". How does WaPo know what my pastor said on Sunday? Or any of the other 1000's of pastors? WaPo gotta WaPo I guess.
From the article: “Pastors are aware of the conspiracy theories floating among their congregants, including a small number of virulently anti-Semitic and anti-Islamic beliefs that some Christians interviewed by The Washington Post this summer professed. Perspective: Trump pushes anti-Semitic stereotypes, but thinks he is praising Jews But leaders can be unwilling to address these beliefs head-on. After a churchgoing evangelical Christian was charged with killing a Jewish woman at a synagogue in Poway, Calif., this year — an act officials say he prefaced with a declaration including both anti-Semitic tropes from the Internet and Christian theology from church — some pastors called for a national conversation about how evangelical pastors can make clear that such beliefs aren’t acceptable in their pews. At Christian Life Center, the evangelical church north of Philadelphia where Yanko, a housekeeper, espoused anti-Semitism at the snack counter, lead pastor Mark English was unruffled to hear about Yanko’s statements. ‘I’m not in government. It would be like me trying to understand the insurance business,” he said, when asked about Yanko’s allegation that Jews control the government. “The government is so complex — I don’t think that any one group controls everything.’ He felt no need to address his congregant’s anti-Semitic beliefs, either one on one or from the pulpit.”
Agree with your overall message but wanted to say a couple things here. Jesus preached compassion (among other things), and that doesn't stop many self-described Christians from hating their neighbors. The fact that Jesus was Jewish shouldn't really be what gives them pause in the big picture. In any event, lots of purported Christians find a way to justify racism and anti-Semitism. The German people in WWII were at least nominally Christian as I understand it. Maybe others know more about that. The Klan in America was/is, purportedly Christian as well, though I suppose it's possible they were lying about being Christian to gain social and political clout. I would note that many purported Christians dispute that Jesus was even Jewish (again, not that it should really matter). I am not inclined to link that stuff here, but it's searchable. Also, there are some nuances perhaps given the fact that "Jewish" can refer to ethnicity, culture, and religion. There may be some anti-Semitic Christians that would give a Jewish person a pass if he converted to Christianity and supported the right causes - though obviously in Nazi Germany, I don't think beliefs mattered; it was all about blood/ancestry.
Interesting that our resident righties are dismissive of a bunch of antisemitic protesters but can pound out 10 threads a week on the imminent demise of America over some dude in a princess dress at Disney. #figures
Interesting that you make a big deal out of 10 threads a week by our resident righties about some dude in a princess dress at Disney yet the only resident rightie who has even mentioned Disney in the past 2 weeks was Orange_and_Bluke talking about his trip to California. Oh and I think okeechobee mentioned siding with the lefties about DeSantis stand against Disney. If anybody mentions Disney in 10 threads a week it is the resident lefties.