I still like this image. You are likely correct strategically, but if I get bit by a radioactive spider, or something similar like super soldier serum,
Free speech isn't a guaranteed right. If these horrible people threaten with words, the 1st A may not apply, OR save them from a well deserved punch in the face
Churchy people feel it’s their privilege to condemn others to Hell while claiming moral superiority over everyone else. Funny thing is GOD waits until judgement day and doesn’t like mortals thinking they can do the job better.
Interesting albeit a sad fact if true. I was fortunate to be raised in a deep south family that had Jewish friends so there was no antisemitism to influence me as a youngster. I have seen antisemitism unfortunately. I have seen much more negative things directed against persons of color and queer folk. I am fascinated by Jewish history and tradition. Not so much the religious perspective but the cultural assimilation in numerous countries and the remarkable ability for a cultural tradition to survive thousands of years against impossible odds. Banylonians Roman's Spain Germany And so on.
Birmingham too, I think the original play driving miss daisy was set in Birmingham. They moved it to Atlanta for the movie.
The post was from yesterday. Comments say people got the same ones in Warner Robins, and that the material inside the zip lock bag is rat poison.
Apparently, it's nothing new. I just did a quick Google search and here are the same ones in Sarasota from June, 2022. Articles from various cities seems to show that it is pretty widespread in Georgia. Anti-Semitic flyers dropped at the foot of south Sarasota homes
I looked I appear to be wrong on that but it was told to me by a friend from Birmingham who is a member of a tribe. Should have known not to trust anything a Bama fan says.
Here in Boebert's district it is also happening. Latest distribution left on driveways in upscale neighborhoods was May 23. Last December on Christmas day the same neighborhoods received anti-semitic material in ziplock bags along with a small box of crayons and a coloring activity aimed at children. Anti-Semitic flyers found in Grand Junction neighborhoods Residents of several Grand Junction neighborhoods discovered anti-Semitic propaganda had been distributed around the city Sunday morning. Grand Junction resident Jeriel Clark said she was walking with her mother on Christmas day in the Redlands when they discovered the anti-Semitic flyers. Clark said they kept passing sandwich bags containing the flyers and didn’t pay them any mind at first. Clark said she originally thought the flyers were a Christmas coloring activity because crayons were included with the flyers. Upon further investigation, she discovered the flyers depict an anti-Jewish caricature indicating Jewish people are behind Hollywood sex scandals, the trans-Atlantic slave trade, the opioid epidemic, pornography and communism, among other things.
I assume the random things in the zip lock bags are to give it weight so it can be tossed out the window of a moving vehicle. With all the homeowner security cams these days, I'm surprised these turds haven't been identified. If I catch these a-holes in mu neighborhood, best believe I'm posting every photo and video clip I can muster. It's amazing what internet sleuths can uncover.