You know how this site immediately bans posters who are obvious trolls rooting for FSU, UGA, Bama, LSU etc? I wonder if America could ban asshat trolls like Owens, Vance, Gosar, Trump etc who are rooting for Russia.
If the people that voted for them could just figure out that they aren’t being represented, but Putin is then they might ban them. I could have just posted their names but their own words condemned them.
What an embarrassment this thread is. Now that Putin has survived the last 12 hours, it's obvious this was an elaborate plot by Putin, playing 4d chess while Biden drools, and the war in Ukraine will now be executed swiftly and effectively by only the most brilliant (and loyal) of military minds. The dastardly Western deception has been unveiled and Mother Russia will (The Great) purge the guilty. Glory to Russia and the world's great leader - a caring, brilliant, man - Putin - Fox News probably
Russia state media regarding tucker… “You have our admiration and support in any endeavor," it said in English, "be it running for president of the United States (which you should totally do, by the way) or making an independent media project." We are happy to offer you a job," as a host, the message added, "you are always welcome in Russia and in Moscow." Russian media laments loss of Tucker Carlson: "voice of reason"
I don't personally know a single right-winger who supports Putin and Russia. Yet as usual you guys are here complaining about this caricature of conservatives as opposed to your typical conservative. So no, I'm not even going to bother entertaining stupid claims like that for people who have already made up their mind.
Sure comrade, what ever you say. I want you to practice what you preach, and I need you house and cars for a couple of months. Thank you in advance, comrade.
I mean… there are a number of PUBLIC figures in the GOP that do. Elected officials and prominent media personalities. Whether any of your “circle of friends” do is more or less irrelevant since that is a self-selected sample. A certain # in the GOP and media sphere absolutely do. In cases like Tucker it’s not even like there is room for doubt, they explicitly stated it, and the GOP has been chummy with Putin-lite figures like Orbin showing the path that party is currently on. It’s hard to quantify, but there is plenty of chatter online. Are some Russian bots/trolls? Probably. That’s why it isn’t easy to gauge how much is real, but the public figures are there to let us know some of the sentiment must be real or else those “real life” people would be run out of town by their constituents. Whether that’s because they are “paid agents” of the Kremlin or their anti-Biden reflex is polluting their mind I have no idea. I would actually guess much of it is the latter, which may actually be sadder in some ways, as it effectively means they are taking anti-American/anti-Democracy positions for free.
Both Democrats and Russians want you to bow down to their beliefs or you will be harassed, cancelled, etc. Freedom of beliefs are not welcome. Both also control the media. Although not quite as bad (so far) the democrats are approaching the Ruskie line. In a few years only the names will be different. I’ve been a registered Democrat my entire life, still am. Unfortunately my party has left me behind. I’ll probably change my registration this year to anything not D or R. The extreme elements of each, and there are plenty to go around, are not good for this country. Yay Amerika, yay team.