I thought whataboutism was an argument only made by a subintellectual. what’s all this talk about trump in a thread discussing Biden using the lazy thumb accidentally brushes boob technique?
Because this thread is more Trumpist projection. Trump supporters talking about somebody abusing women. Talk about "subintellectual."
LOL Biden's own daughter says she has significant mental issues and sexual addictions because her father made her shower with him and Dems seem ok with that.....but Trump!
See post 23. All that was just in public. I'm sure they had a "home life." Showers might even have been golden.
Personally I think it's just the natural progression of thinking through the "so what?" and what we can do from an individual standpoint. I think what he did is inappropriate, and while I think Biden has largely been fine as President, I don't want him to be the nominee again. I only have so much control over that though. I can vote for someone else, but if he's the nominee then it likely becomes a question of him vs Trump. If that's the case, then something like this is almost nonexistent in my thought process since it's canceled out and then some by Trump's behavior. That may not be a satisfactory answer but that's how I jump to thinking about Trump.
Got it. So when someone starts a thread with Biden rubbing side boob it’s trump projection, but when another thread is started about trump then literally any retort is ‘ Yawn whataboutism’. Now I understand how that works. For the record I don’t think he abused Longoria. It’s was more funny that he thinks he was being sly pulling the 8th grade dance move there isn’t a woman alive that looks at Eva grabbing his hands and isn’t saying ewwwwwww. They have all had a guy or 2 do it
Unfortunately, I don’t see the GOP nominating someone any better than Biden which means we will be screwed again either way come 2024.