If you have a choice between a presidential candidate who has serially assaulted women (and has bragged about it), and one who has serially groped them (as in a nice hug), which one do you grope for - I mean vote for?
I didn’t even bring up Joe Biden’s assault/rape of Tara Reade, good catch, but I don’t recall Joe bragging about it. I think he just said all women should be believed. I guess you could argue that somewhat Braggadocious. Who is the other Groper not named Biden?
Well, given the chance to grope Eva Longoria, I'd have to say . . grope on Edit: His game is weak, though. He could have groped much better. Pfft . . . underachiever
I spot Joe's moves all the time.....Joe uses a lot of the same moves I used to use when I was young and horny. Except I never used them on little girls.
If you're going to bring up Biden hugging children, did you know that Trump raped one (in Epstein's NY digs as I recall)? That's what she claimed until she dropped the case before it went to trial, though I'm sure that a pile of money had nothing to do with Trump's escape.
Did it look inappropriate? Sure. But it comes off as disingenuous when the people making the most noise about it are ones who support Trump. This is maybe a 2/10 on the inappropriate scale and Trump's regularly hovering in the 8/10 range.
Wait….there’s photos of Hunter getting bribe money for his poppa? Shit! Someone’s going to Jail, and his name ain’t Trump.
Neither. I'm tired of the Dems and Pubs. It's always a choice between a giant douche and a turd sandwich.
For once in this group, I would love to see someone post something about Biden and not have 30 people respond by bitching at Trump. And vice versa. Most of us honest observers can see both people have their issues. In this case, both Trump and Biden have douche bag moments. This just happens to be one of Biden’s. Just except it and laugh at him, and don’t blame Trump. SMH.
Biden SUCKS! I’d love to not vote for him. Maybe the GOP will nominate someone better. I’ll hang up and listen.
Hey its not like he took inappropriate showers with his daughter. Oh wait......nevermind......that was Creepy Joe.